The desire to be beautiful and young is natural for all girls and women. However, in some cases, simple skin care cosmetics are no longer enough for this. In this case, hardware facial rejuvenation comes to the rescue. For example, the procedure for laser resurfacing DOT. In this article, we will tell you how this procedure is carried out, under what skin imperfections it will be shown, whether it has contraindications, and what alternative to this procedure modern cosmetology is ready to offer.

Hardware rejuvenation
Hardware rejuvenation is called so because it is carried out using a special apparatus. One of the most effective hardware rejuvenation procedures is laser. DOT is one of them.
So, DOT is a laser procedure that is aimed at rejuvenating and healing the skin. DOT is an acronym that stands for Dermal Optical Thermolysis.
During a DOT hardware rejuvenation session, a grid of microbeams is projected onto the skin, which are set in a certain order. Thus, the optimal distance between the beams is achieved and the processing area per pass is increased. At the site of exposure, microthermal treatment zones (MLZ) are formed - controlled burns, the diameter of which is smaller than the diameter of a human hair. In such areas, individual skin cells are damaged, and healthy skin tissues remaining around activate regenerative processes, during which the destroyed skin cells are replaced by new ones. Thus, we can say that the skin is renewed from the inside. In addition, after the procedure, the production of collagen and elastin is also activated. Due to this, the skin is tightened, and wrinkles are smoothed out.
DOT refers to ablative procedures. This means that the laser beam simultaneously affects the outer and middle layers of the skin. For example, the Fraxel procedure is non-ablative, that is, the effect is only on the inner layers of the skin. Therefore, her recovery period is somewhat shorter. Otherwise, these procedures are similar.
How to prepare for DOT
There is no preparation required for DOT. But you need to remember that for carrying out the skin must be light and without tanning. Therefore, a couple of weeks before the session, you should exclude visiting the beach and solarium. You will also need to book an initial appointment with a specialist. This approach is needed to:
- The doctor held a consultation, told about hardware facial rejuvenation, what it is, how the procedure will go. You can also ask the doctor any question regarding the procedure.
- The specialist checked you for contraindications.
- Find out how effective the procedure will be in your case.
- Determine the optimal settings for the laser device.

How does the DOT procedure work?
After the initial appointment, it will be possible to proceed with the procedure. True, only on condition that you have no contraindications.
DOT (hardware rejuvenation) is not carried out in the following cases:
- Pregnancy and lactation.
- Viral infections.
- Malignant neoplasms.
- Exacerbation of skin ailments.
The session itself lasts from 10 to 85 minutes (depending on the area of the skin area to be treated). To obtain a pronounced result, it will be necessary to conduct approximately three sessions with a frequency of once every 30-50 days. Maintenance sessions are carried out once every 0. 5-1. 5 years.
To reduce discomfort, an application anesthetic is applied to the skin before the session. At the end of the session, the skin will be additionally treated with a special cream with healing and soothing effects. You will also receive instructions from the doctor for the post-procedure period.
Puffiness and redness usually disappear within the first two to three days. But full healing will occur in about a week. In the early days, it will not be possible to use ordinary water for washing. In addition, you will need to refrain from using makeup. In some cases, the doctor may recommend other procedures to speed up healing. As a rule, these are the sessions that are aimed at moisturizing tissues. For example, biorevitalization or mesotherapy.
Results of the DOT procedure
After a full course of laser hardware skin rejuvenation procedures, the following positive skin changes can be distinguished:
- narrowing of pores;
- reduction in the severity of stretch marks;
- skin tone equalization;
- elimination of scars, post-acne;
- smoothing wrinkles and folds;
- increase in skin tone.
Alternative to DOT procedures
Hardware cosmetology for skin rejuvenation includes other effective procedures:
- LPG face massage. It is carried out using a special massage apparatus LPG. The essence of the procedure is massaging the face with a special maniple, which will provide an intense, but safe and delicate massage. This procedure has a powerful lymphatic drainage effect, therefore it is especially effective against puffiness, circles under the eyes, and also against wrinkles.
- Photorejuvenation. The skin is exposed to fast pulses of broad spectrum light. As a result, the light flux is absorbed not only by melanin, but also by hemoglobin. This allows you to solve a range of skin problems, including age spots, acne, wrinkles and capillaries.
- Ultrasonic peeling. Exfoliation procedure for dead skin. As a result of its implementation, you can cleanse and tighten the skin, narrow pores, smooth out small wrinkles on the face.
- The impact of electric current. High-frequency current is applied to the skin through the handpiece. This procedure can achieve skin tightening, narrowing of pores, smoothing small wrinkles, removing puffiness, eliminating acne and age spots.
- RF lifting. A hardware procedure, the essence of which is the effect on tissues of radio waves of a certain frequency. As a result, the production of elastin and collagen is activated, the relief and tone of the skin is evened out.
As you can see, hardware cosmetology for facial rejuvenation includes more than one procedure. To choose the best one for you, it is recommended to make an appointment with a cosmetologist.