Facial skin lifting is used to eliminate mimic and deep wrinkles, restore skin elasticity and muscle tone. This is a set of measures that includes the use of special products (masks, serums and creams), procedures (injection and hardware), as well as various surgical interventions aimed at smoothing the surface of the skin and restoring its former smoothness and elasticity.
Indications for the procedure
Age-related changes in the face occur due to the influence of natural processes, such as a slowdown in blood circulation and metabolism, a decrease in the amount of collagen produced by the body, and the disappearance of moisture in the tissues. Sometimes this process goes a little faster, which is facilitated by the influence of the following factors:
- genetic predisposition;
- the presence of excess weight;
- incorrect posture, which contributes to accelerated sagging of the skin;
- constant exposure to ultraviolet rays;
- low immunity.
Lifting is indicated in the presence of the following problems:
- Deterioration of complexion.
- Thinning of the skin, changing its type to dry.
- Blurring of contours and loss of their former clarity.
- The occurrence of ptosis.
- Omission of facial features.
The procedure is not recommended in the following cases:
- age less than 25 years;
- within six months after undergoing facial plastic surgery;
- in the presence of excess body weight;
- if there are wounds, inflammations or skin diseases on the face.
home treatments
If there are not too serious problems with skin tissues, it makes sense to try to restore skin elasticity using home methods, including applying masks, doing special gymnastics and conducting course massages in this area. Also at home, you can use a special lifting cream, which gives an almost instant effect, or a liquid gel for the skin around the eyes, which eliminates mimic wrinkles.
Masks for rejuvenation
Proper use of masks balanced in composition can significantly improve skin condition. This impact allows you to achieve the following results:
- restoration of lost elasticity;
- face oval modeling;
- smoothing small, sometimes even large wrinkles;
- complexion renewal.
The following mask recipes give the best results:
- Whipped egg white with the addition of a tablespoon of lemon juice is applied and left for 20 minutes. The mask gives an excellent effect on oily and combination skin.
- Cucumber, peeled and seeds, crushed, add a drop of olive oil and egg white to it. This composition is kept for at least 15 minutes.
- Grind a tablespoon of oatmeal in a coffee grinder, mix them with the same amount of fresh dill and vegetable oil. The mask is kept on the face for about 25 minutes.
- A fleshy tomato is chosen, peeled and rubbed through a sieve. Then mix it with a tablespoon of olive oil and apply on the face for 20-25 minutes.
- Boil a medium-sized potato and mash it to a puree consistency, then add a tablespoon of milk and keep it on the skin for 20 minutes.
- Green cosmetic clay is mixed with mineral water and kept on the face until completely dry. It is allowed to dilute the composition with lemon juice or mint decoction, in each case the tissues will receive the necessary nutrition, which restores skin elasticity.
Gymnastics for tone
The appearance of wrinkles is the result of a weakened muscle tone of the face. Therefore, you need to constantly train your muscles through special gymnastics, which is easy to do on your own at home.
Such training consistently loads all the facial muscles. You should start with the lips (such exercises additionally tighten the oval of the face and keep the neck muscles in good shape):
- Stand in front of a mirror.
- Pronounce vowels loudly and clearly.
- Try to pull the upper lip to the dentition.
- Include the neck muscles in the work, clearly pronouncing each sound.
- Repeat the entire sound sequence 30 times.
Next, you need to raise the tone of the cheeks, which will additionally support the oval of the face:
- Raise the chin and push the lower jaw forward. Hold for 3-5 seconds and return to the starting position.
- Grit your teeth, place your little finger and ring finger next to the corners of your mouth. Gently holding them, stretch forward with your lower lip, holding the extreme position for up to 5 seconds.
- Turn your neck to the right, open your mouth, make a biting movement. Hold for 5 seconds and return to the starting position. Repeat on the left side.
To strengthen the muscles of the chin and neck, you should consistently and regularly perform this exercise:
- Tilt your head back.
- Rest your tongue in the sky.
- Slowly turn your head to the right and left.
To smooth wrinkles in the eye area, a special exercise is performed:
- Place your fingers at the corners of your eyes and press lightly.
- Squeeze the eyelids and keep them closed for 5 seconds.
- Open your eyes wide.
- Separately, you can draw the number 8 horizontally with your eyes, while pressing the eyebrow line with your fingers.
Exercise to get rid of wrinkles on the forehead:
- Place the pads of the first three fingers on the forehead.
- Press down and stretch the skin to the sides.
- Without losing tension, move the eyebrows from the bottom up.
When performing exercises for different muscle groups in one session, you should definitely take 1-2-minute breaks, during which you completely relax your face.
Massage effect
The tightening technique of facial massage contributes to the achievement of the following goals:
- Improving the movement of blood and lymph outflow.
- Removal of puffiness.
- Opening of skin pores.
- Saturation of tissues with oxygen.
- Strengthen muscles and give skin elasticity.
- Increasing tissue tone.
- Slow down the rate of aging.
- Prevention of acne.
- Skin care and its external rejuvenation.
Before you start the impact, you should carefully prepare:
- ventilate the room;
- remove makeup residue from the skin;
- wash your hands thoroughly;
- prepare vegetable-based oil for massage.
All movements performed should be soft and smooth. Haste, rubbing and strong pressure on the skin are not allowed.
Massage technique:
Impact zone | manipulation | Massaging time |
Neck | In a circular motion, gently act first on the right side of the neck (using the left hand), then vice versa | Make movements for 30 seconds |
Chin | Starting from the middle of the chin, make circular movements with the fingertips, first to the right side of the mouth, then to the left | Start with 5 seconds, gradually increasing the time to 30 seconds, during which you need to do 30 repetitions on each side |
Lower part of cheeks | Putting a finger in the dimple of the chin, make circular rotations, first to the corner of the mouth, and from there to the earlobe. Repeat on both sides | Repeat 7 times |
Nasolabial folds | Putting fingers in the corners of the mouth, gradually move towards the wings of the nose | Start with 3 movements, bring them to 10. Then, with each session, reduce the number of repetitions to 3 |
Upper cheeks | Put the middle and index fingers on the wings of the nose, move to the top of the ears, passing along the buccal surface | Do 5 to 7 manipulations |
Brows | Make circular movements from the center of the forehead above the eyebrows with the index finger of the hand | Repeat 5 times |
Forehead | With the fingers of the left hand, draw a line of circular movements along the forehead from left to right, repeat in the opposite direction using the right hand | Make 10 moves |
Salon lifting
In cases where home procedures do not give the desired effect, you should resort to the help of professionals. There are 2 large blocks of facelift effects.
This manipulation system has important advantages, including:
- visible improvement in skin condition;
- giving clarity to the oval of the face;
- average price category;
- low level of trauma;
- few contraindications.
injection methods
Injection methods involve the introduction of special agents directly into the skin of the face, due to which the tone of the facial muscles rises.

The following methods are especially popular:
- Mesolifting, for which special complexes of substances and serums are used that perform moisturizing and firming functions. After a course of 5 procedures, a woman can enjoy the result for a minimum of six months and a maximum of 1. 5 years.
- Plasmolifting -blood is withdrawn from the patient, then it undergoes appropriate processing to isolate plasma, which is injected under the skin. After 5 sessions, you can get the perfect effect for a period of 1 year. The action of this method is based on the synthesis of collagen processes that are launched after the introduction of plasma. The latter acts as a special glue that smoothes and strengthens the oval of the face, reducing wrinkles and smoothing the skin.
- Plastic fillersis aimed at solving age-related problems: preparations based on hyaluronic acid are injected into certain parts of the face. They fill wrinkles, make up for insufficient tissue volume and correct the oval. The effect of the procedure can last up to 1 year.
- Botulinum therapy -Botulinum toxin is used as an active substance, which contributes to the blocking of muscle fibers, due to which they stop contracting. After such injections, the skin becomes smooth, and mimic wrinkles disappear. The action of botulinum toxin lasts for at least 8 months.
Hardware procedures

Such a lifting is based on the warming effect of the devices, which stimulates the production of collagen and thickens the existing layer. After such exposure, the following results can be observed:
- smoothing wrinkles;
- narrowing of pores;
- increase the elasticity of the skin;
- skin tightening.
All procedures require a course of passage (an average of 5 sessions). The result is saved for 2 years. Types of hardware impact:
- Laser thermolifting: laser beams penetrate deep under the skin and start the production of elastin and collagen.
- Lifting according to the ELOS method: 2 types of energy are used here at once - light and laser, which trigger the mechanism of regeneration of skin fibers.
- RF lifting: In this case, exposure occurs through radio waves with low power and high frequency.
- Microcurrent therapy: during this procedure, special active ingredients are applied to the skin and activated by microcurrent exposure. This method activates the metabolism and renews the chemistry of the cellular composition, which increases the elasticity of the skin.
No less popular salon facelift procedure involves the use of special threads. They are inserted under the skin, after which they are slightly tightened and fixed in the desired position.

This procedure is very fast and practically safe. For the introduction, 2 types of threads are used, the first ones remain under the skin, which allows them to be tightened after a while, the second ones are absorbed and require re-introduction.
Especially to accelerate the regeneration processes under the skin, deep peels are used, which can effectively improve skin color and restore its elasticity.
Popular types of peeling:
- deep chemical: in this case, the cosmetologist applies a special composition with an acid base (most often containing phenol) to the skin, which has a destructive effect on the upper part of the tissues (up to the middle layer). An important point: this procedure is performed only under general anesthesia.
- Deep penetration laser resurfacing: such an impact contributes to the formation of thermal microtraumas that cause tissues to recover. Resurfacing also evaporates old cells from the top layer of the skin. An important advantage of this method is the possibility of individual selection of the depth of exposure for each area of the face, which eliminates unnecessary trauma. This lifting method is performed under local anesthesia.
Surgical methods
Plastic surgery comes to the rescue in cases where other methods are ineffective. The combination of techniques for the return of the youth of the face was called - facelift.
These procedures are aimed at:
- removal of excess fat on the face;
- excision of excess skin;
- strengthening tissues and muscles.
Performing a rhytidectomy
To get rid of the signs of aging in women over the age of 50, a circular lift is used.

The procedure has several varieties:
- superficial rhytidectomy,in which the patient makes incisions in the back of the head, on the hairline at the temples and behind the ears. Sometimes - on the edge of the chin. After that, the skin is separated from the rest of the tissues, its excess is removed and tightening occurs. In conclusion, sutures are applied, and the entire operated area is fixed with elastic bandages. This operation is not too difficult, rehabilitation after it is 2 weeks, and the effect lasts for 10 years.
- Deep circular lift: This type of lifting works much deeper. It allows you to permanently correct even very deep wrinkles, change the shape of the face, fix the muscles in the required position. This is a serious intervention, there is a possibility of damage to the nerve fibers and partial numbness of the face. The operation is performed with a classic incision, after which the skin is lifted with the inclusion of aponeurosis, if desired, excess fat is removed.
- Combined rhytidectomy: this type of exposure involves work on the masticatory muscle, including excision of deep and upper tissues. Fabrics are adjusted by pulling to the sides.
Front lifting procedure
Especially for tightening the skin on the forehead and eyebrow line, front lifting is used. This operation eliminates deep folds located between the eyebrows, transverse wrinkles. In addition, the effect allows you to lift the upper eyelids and the superciliary arch, due to which the face loses the features of gloom and fatigue.

There are several options for front lifting:
- Open: an incision is made above the forehead line, followed by tissue movement. The specialist tightens the muscles on the forehead, eyebrows, models the shape of the latter, removes excess tissue. Finally, the result is fixed.
- Endoscopic: through 2 incisions, the frontal skin is peeled off, followed by its movement to the side and fixing this position inside. This version of the operation is less traumatic, the rehabilitation period here is shorter than in the open method. However, this type of front lifting is not always effective for women over 50 years of age.
Short flap lift
This type of wrinkle removal is also called S-lift, more often it is used for middle-aged people or as a re-intervention to tighten the skin. There is a high probability of achieving an effect due to the impact on the deep skin layers. Such a lift allows you to correct the lower part of the face, remove the jowls and trim the contour of the lower jaw.
Operation progress:
- Creation of incisions in women behind the tragus, in men - in front of the ear.
- Fixation of soft tissues in the selected position.
- Suturing of the periosteal tissue in the area of the cheekbones.
- Removal of excess skin parts.
- Creation of internal seams.

The main advantages of this braces are:
- the smallest possible skin incisions;
- no risk of damage to the facial nerves;
- the use of gentle anesthesia;
- low risk of complications;
- short recovery period.
- poor results in the presence of deep wrinkles;
- the occurrence of pain in the zygomatic region, aggravated by chewing.
Check lifting
Such an operation is indicated for patients with the aim of:
- elimination of sagging cheeks;
- elimination of bags under the eyes;
- getting rid of puffiness and wrinkles;
- excision of nasolabial folds and the fight against other problems of the middle part of the face.

The operation can last from 1 to several hours, depending on the goals. Check-lifting is carried out as follows:
- The surgeon makes incisions along the lower edge of the eyelash growth on the eyelid.
- First, the middle part of the face is tightened (if necessary, blepharoplasty manipulations are performed).
- The tissues are fixed by means of endotins - special plates of hyaluronic acid. This allows you to achieve maximum preservation of facial mobility and obtain high elasticity of the skin.
Endoscopic surgery
This technique is considered the most modern in facial plastic surgery, it is carried out using an endoscope, which is inserted directly under the skin. With the help of this device, all manipulations of the surgeon are controlled by a camera from the inside.
This type of lifting has many positive aspects, including:
- high security;
- minimal degree of tissue trauma;
- permanent elimination of wrinkles due to penetration into the deep layers of tissues;
- preservation of naturalness;
- high efficiency in skin tightening.