Fortunately for every girl who wants to correct her appearance, the cosmetology industry is constantly evolving, inventing new ways to restore beauty.
Now, ladies who want to eliminate the signs of wilting and strengthen the oval of the face do not have to go under the knife of a plastic surgeon. You can do one of the non-surgical rejuvenation procedures. There are many of them: mesotherapy and plasma therapy, botox injections and thermage.
Today we will focus on the most popular of these methods: laser facial rejuvenation. Namely, how it happens, how it goes, who is shown and who is forbidden, as well as other important nuances.
Fractional laser rejuvenation
Fractional laser facial rejuvenation is one of the latest developments in the field of hardware cosmetology. It is built taking into account the fact that over time, cells begin to work weaker, and then completely die off. As you know, this leads to the cessation of the production of collagen and elastin in the required amount and, as a result, to dryness, flabbiness and aging of the skin of the face.

The laser makes it possible to correct the matter: under its action, the tissues receive a heat shock, which inoperative cells leads to final death, and the healthy ones forces them to divide intensively, replenishing the losses. The cells wake up, as it were, and the synthesis of elastin and collagen is much faster.
In order for the procedure to take place with minimal damage to the face, the laser beam is divided into several thinnest beams that form a kind of mesh, that is, fractions - hence the name. Depending on the desired effect, age and condition of the patient's skin, the master can adjust the depth of laser penetration and its temperature.
Ablative laser skin rejuvenation is done with a carbon dioxide laser, which affects not only the deep, but also the superficial layers. For non-ablative intervention, an erbium laser is used, which works only with the deep layers of the skin, without damaging its outer areas.
The cosmetologist will advise which option is better to choose, taking into account an individual approach.
In general, fractional rejuvenation is capable of:
- remove acne marks, scars and spider veins;
- shrink pores and lighten age spots;
- make the skin firmer and firmer;
- tighten the oval of the face and smooth out wrinkles;
- improve skin color.
Of course, there are also contraindications to such a procedure. Among them are any inflammatory processes on the face, infectious diseases, epilepsy, psoriasis, malignant tumors, pregnancy.
The session lasts about an hour. Before the start of the intervention, the skin is cleansed of dust and cosmetics and anesthetic gel is applied, since the procedure is painful. Upon completion, the face is treated with a soothing cream. Rehabilitation lasts up to two weeks. Full course - from one to three visits.

Laser biorevitalization
This is another fairly new and very popular type of laser facial rejuvenation. This non-injection biorevitalization was developed and tested for the first time in Germany. A special type of laser is used for it - low-intensity infrared, it is also called cold.
Before laser exposure, low molecular weight hyaluronic acid is applied to the desired areas of the skin, and after the laser opens the transport channels, it enters the deep layers of tissues and is evenly distributed there.
At the same time, the face does not heat up, there is no pain, and at the end of the procedure, the skin does not flake off and is not afraid of ultraviolet radiation, so that laser biorevitalization can be done at any time of the year. In addition, exposure is allowed even on the delicate skin around the eyes.
Basically because of this, this method of non-surgical rejuvenation receives numerous positive reviews.

The list of contraindications for this procedure includes pregnancy, lactation, the presence of a malignant or benign tumor, allergy to hyaluronic acid, serious hypertension and problems with the cardiovascular system, blood diseases, tuberculosis, epilepsy, infectious diseases and skin diseases in the acute stage.
The effect of laser biorevitalization is as follows:
- cells are saturated with moisture;
- the relief and complexion are leveled;
- the skin becomes firmer and firmer;
- metabolic processes in tissues are activated;
- fine wrinkles are smoothed.
The procedure is as follows: first, the beautician cleans the face and applies a mixture of hyaluronic acid with collagen on it. Further, the laser action itself begins, and then a mask is made that enhances the effect of the hyaluronic gel.
As such, a rehabilitation period is not required. After biorevitalization, you just need to drink more clean water and do not forget to moisturize the skin.
The full course is 7-10 procedures.
Laser dermabrasion
It is also called laser peeling or laser resurfacing.
This is a rather serious procedure, preparation for which is better to start in advance. About a month before her, it is advisable not to drink contraceptives, as they retain water in the body and can provoke pigmentation.

You should also use a glycolic or retinoic cream to rid the skin of dead cells and facilitate the penetration of the laser into the tissue. The cosmetologist will tell you about other nuances depending on the individual characteristics of the skin.
Laser dermabrasion allows you to:
- get rid of scars, spider veins, post-acne;
- remove freckles and age spots, burns;
- normalize oily skin and tighten pores;
- smooth out wrinkles and firm the skin;
- remove dark circles under the eyes.
Among the contraindications to it are poor blood clotting, diabetes, purulent and inflammatory skin diseases, heart and kidney problems, tuberculosis, epilepsy, a predisposition to the formation of keloid scars, pregnancy and lactation.

This is an aggressive procedure that requires pain relief. For two weeks after the intervention, the face looks red, sore and may be sore. Then it becomes covered with a dense crust, which gradually exfoliates, renewing the skin. At this time, you cannot use peels and scrubs, visit the solarium, bathhouse and sauna, beaches. It is also very important to protect your face from the sun and moisturize it in a timely manner.
But the effect of laser peeling lasts about five years.
- The first review: "Buying for a beautiful advertisement, I rushed to fractional rejuvenation as soon as this procedure became available in our city. Of course, the beautician said that the face would be red and then it would take on a crust, but then I could not even imagine the scale of the disaster! it was very swollen, in places it oozed blood, it was impossible to lie on the pillow. In the morning I woke up swollen, as if after being bitten by hundreds of bees. This horror lasted for three days, then began to subside. But the skin completely healed only after two weeks. Yes, I havethe wrinkles near the eyes disappeared, the skin became more elastic, the nasolabials were almost smoothed out. But, as for me, it is not worth such pain and suffering, besides it is very expensive. You can find more loyal methods of rejuvenation. "
- Review of the second: "And for me fractional rejuvenation helped to improve the texture of the skin. From the very adolescence, it had a huge number of acne marks that looked like scars. But it really hurts like hell! Tears were rolling in hail on their own. Anesthesia was eitherweak, or didn't take it, one way or another I felt a terrible burning sensation. Everything went away after 8 days. The skin became, indeed, smoother and smoother, scars and wrinkles almost disappeared. I'm ready to repeat the procedure in 1. 5 years. "
- Third review: "I did laser biorevitalization. The procedure is completely painless, even, on the contrary, very pleasant, relaxing. The face after it is so moisturized, beautiful porcelain color, without any redness and inflammation, the skin is clearly fresh. I went five times. That's just the effect for me. While I went to the procedures, I held on. And when I stopped, I began to quickly disappear, and now it seems to me that everything is again as before: the crow's feet are in place, and the skin is not so elastic. Either biorevitalization is not too suitable for me, or, indeed, it works only while you attend the sessions. "