Laser facial rejuvenation is a method based on activating the natural regeneration of the skin.
During biological aging, the process affects all organs and structures of the human body. The person is most quickly involved in this process due to the impact of a huge number of adverse effects of the external environment. At the same time, youth and the very perception of a person depends on how good the face looks, which is expressed in the natural desire of everyone to slow down the aging process and turn back the clock. One of the methods that can satisfy the need to look great is laser rejuvenation.
The essence of the method of laser exposure to the face for the purpose of rejuvenation
The essence of this method is a fractional effect on the skin of the face using a laser. The laser beam is divided into many smaller streams, affecting areas of the skin at a certain depth, set by the procedure program, and evaporates them. The cells between the vaporized cells stimulate the production of collagen and elastin in the skin to regenerate. After the procedure, the complexion is significantly improved, fine and medium wrinkles are straightened, bags under the eyes disappear, and the oval of the face becomes more toned. Laser rejuvenation can be used both separately and in combination with skin resurfacing or plastic surgery.
Indications for laser treatment in cosmetology
- Skin restoration - can be applied to any area, not just the face.
- With pronounced rosacea and strong pigmentation.
- With enlarged pores in order to reduce them.
- The presence of stretch marks, scars and scars.
- Whitening of the skin.
- When wrinkles appear.
- For skin renewal and face contour correction.

In addition to the positive effect, the procedure can have a negative effect. When does this happen, and what is the obstacle to the procedure?
- The time of gestation and breastfeeding of the baby.
- Any inflammatory process excludes the area from possible impact.
- Skin diseases of any etiology.
- Recent use of chemical peels (2 weeks).
- Oncology of any localization.
- Systemic diseases.
- Severe diabetes mellitus.
- Severe forms of ischemic heart disease and hypertension.
- The patient's tendency to form colloidal scars.
- Hereditary predisposition to vitiligo.
Benefits of laser rejuvenation
The method is based on the natural regeneration of the body, due to which the effect is noticeable for a long time and builds up gradually after the procedure. The impact is point on the selected areas, which allows the procedure to be carried out with high efficiency, taking into account all the features.
The procedure is painless and can be performed in sensitive areas such as the eyes, décolleté and neck.
Despite the fact that side effects are rare, the possibility of them should be considered before the procedure. Itching of the skin, crusting at the site of exposure, increased pigmentation or overgrowth of keloid tissue.
After the procedure
For several days, creams are used to accelerate regeneration, after the healing of the disturbed integuments, it is recommended to use creams containing hyaluronic acid, the choice is given to cosmetics corresponding to age. High temperatures are not permissible during the day, do not use the foundation for 3 days.
After the procedure, it is imperative to use creams with a high protection factor due to the high sensitivity to sunlight.
Additional recommendations depend on the condition of the skin. If you follow the advice of the specialist who performed the procedure, you can achieve long-term results and prolong not only the beauty, but also the youth of your face.