Eyes are a reflection not only of the soul, but also of age. And the way the skin around the eyes looks is extremely important for a woman. The tips in this article will help you not only keep the skin around your eyes smooth and supple, but also rejuvenate and make it more beautiful.
The skin of the face in the literal sense of the word is open to all winds and other weather phenomena, it primarily reflects everything that women did wrong - they did not sleep enough, did not walk in the fresh air, ate quick unhealthy food, forgot about leaving. And the skin around the eyes suffers the most, since it is very thin, it has the least sebaceous, sweat glands, it is very sensitive, and the subcutaneous layer of fat is insignificant.
When we laugh, cry, experience other emotions, the skin around the eyes is stretched, exposed to adverse mechanical stress. All this together leads to its premature aging. Rejuvenation of the skin around the eyes should be taken care of after 25-30 years.
How to rejuvenate the skin around the eyes? There are treatments that promote rejuvenation, which are divided into home and salon.
Rejuvenation of the skin around the eyes at home
To solve some problems, for example, to remove bags and dark circles under the eyes, puffiness, it is enough to correct your lifestyle - get enough sleep, spend more time walking, balance your diet.

Other effects of time that appear on the face can be corrected at home with the help of anti-aging masks, serums, creams, drops. You will have to work hard, but self-prepared products will help a woman stay fresh and attractive longer.
Recipe for a rejuvenating mask for the under eye area
- 2 teaspoons of honey;
- 2 tablespoons of oatmeal;
- 1 teaspoon of strong tea;
- 1 teaspoon warm water.
Combine all components, mix thoroughly and warm up a little in a water bath. Distribute the mass on cotton pads, apply to the eyes. The procedure should be taken lying down, about 20 minutes. Then rinse off the remnants of the mask with cool water. Honey-oatmeal mask nourishes, strengthens the skin around the eyes, supplying it with essential nutrients, makes you look younger.
Turmeric mask for rejuvenation around the eyes

This mask is also called gold for its color. But the color also hides insidiousness: turmeric is a bright yellow Indian spice, it can color the skin, especially light. Therefore, it is better for women with fair skin to reduce the amount of turmeric in the mask by half.
The mask is effective with prolonged use. And yet it should be remembered that spices are quite aggressive substances and can cause irritation. Treat the procedures with caution, carefully monitor the reaction of the skin to the mask, and in case of irritation, stop using it.
There are many recipes for masks with turmeric for rejuvenating the skin around the eyes, the most popular is with soda.
- 1 teaspoon turmeric powder
- 3 teaspoons of baking soda.
Take a small bowl and mix the turmeric and baking soda in it. Then add two cosmetic ice cubes to the mixture. Stir when the ice melts. Adjust the thickness of the mask with the amount of ice. Use only fresh mixture!
Apply the mass to the eye area with light patting movements. Lie down relaxed for 15 minutes. If you feel a burning sensation, wash it off earlier. When washing off the mask with cool water, make sure that the mixture does not get into the eyes, nevertheless, turmeric is a spice and can irritate the mucous membranes. Apply 1-2 times a week.
Aloe vera rejuvenating eye mask
- 1 teaspoon of aloe juice
- 1 teaspoon vegetable oil.
Mix aloe with oil, apply morning and evening, tapping lightly. Do not rub! This mask does not need to be washed off; it is better to remove the excess with a napkin. Aloe copes well with mimic wrinkles, removes crow's feet around the eyes. Apply the mask for a month, then take a break.
Rejuvenating eye serum and its recipe
- 1 tablespoon almond oil
- 1 tablespoon of aloe vera gel
- 3-5 drops of carrot essential oil;
- 2-3 drops of chamomile essential oil.
Combine essential oils with almond oil, then combine with aloe vera gel. Serums have a lifting effect on the skin around the eyes. It can be used on the entire face, as well as on the neck, arms and whole body. You can store the whey in the refrigerator for about two weeks. Shake well before use.
Anti-aging creams
A good option to delay age-related changes is to cook at home and regularly use an anti-aging eye cream. For example, here's a recipe for yolk cream.
- 2 tablespoons of butter;
- 1 small yolk;
- ½ teaspoon bee pollen;
- 4 drops of lemon oil;
- 4 drops of rose oil.
Mix the butter with the yolk, then add the pollen and oils. You can store the mixture in a closed container for about 5 days. The rejuvenating eye cream will help smooth out wrinkles, nourish the skin and make it firmer.
Anti-aging drops

Sometimes pharmacy products are used not for their intended purpose. For example, there is a good practice of using eye drops to rejuvenate the skin.
There are eye drops that are usually prescribed for the treatment of infectious diseases. But women also use them on the skin around the eyes. At the same time, the drops relieve fatigue, giving the eyes youth. In addition, the drops moisturize and tone the skin well.
Salon anti-aging treatments
If there is no time for home procedures for the skin around the eyes, or they no longer bring the desired effect, you can contact beauty salons, where they will offer various options. What eye treatments are available in the salons?
Laser eye rejuvenation

In order to postpone the aging processes visible on the face, a laser beam is used, divided into many fractions. Hence the name - fractional laser eye rejuvenation. In fact, split beams cause micro-trauma to the skin, perforating it. The smallest areas are selectively removed from the skin, leaving untouched zones between them.
After the procedure, the restoration processes are activated in the skin, the empty spaces are closed, respectively, the skin is stretched and smoothed. The excess skin is gone. The effect can be compared to surgery.
Laser rejuvenation stimulates the formation of new connective tissue, renews collagen fibers. The procedure, in addition to rejuvenating, helps to get rid of wrinkles around the eyes, circles and bags under the eyes. In addition, salon cosmetic procedures for bags under the eyes include lymphatic drainage, electrical stimulation, mesotherapy.
Lymphatic drainage is done manually or using machines. The process is the stimulation of the outflow of fluid from the lymphatic vessels of the eyes. The result is that the swelling decreases, the bags disappear.
Electrical stimulation is toning the small muscles of the face by exposing them to a low-frequency current. The muscles contract, the skin takes on a refreshed appearance.
In mesotherapy, special substances are injected under the skin with the help of an injection. They have a beneficial effect and eliminate bags.
As well as bringing good results procedures against wrinkles around the eyes and against circles under the eyes, they also offer:
RF lifting
With the help of electromagnetic waves in the skin, the processes of the formation of new collagen fibers are stimulated, that is, natural, natural processes are stimulated.
The effect of the current increases the tone of tired cells, normalizes metabolism, and restores blood vessels.
Injection-free and injection procedures
The goal of both is to enrich the subcutaneous layers with the necessary substances, to strengthen, tone, and supply oxygen. As a result, the condition of the dermis is improved.
ELOS rejuvenation
RF and light radiation is used. The method is considered safe and consistent.
A woman always wants to look young, fresh and radiant. With age, this requires more and more effort. The tips and recipes we've provided in this article will help you stay attractive. The main condition is the consistency and regularity of leaving.
In addition, carefully observe the effect of the procedures on your skin. After all, we are all different, each has its own characteristics. Observation will allow you to choose exactly such techniques and methods that will be useful for you!