Face masks can fight the signs of age: wrinkles, enlarged pores, puffiness and sallow skin color. Procedures can be done at home using vegetables, fruits, honey, clay and other available ingredients.

Anti-wrinkle masks: nature's help
Masks are an important item in the skin care program. At home, you can use ready-made formulations, but it is much easier to prepare nutrient mixtures yourself. The procedure is carried out 1-2 times a week or courses of 5-7 masks every other day, followed by a break. The composition is selected depending on the condition and type of skin.
When applying the mask, nutrients and moisturizing substances enter the upper layers of the epidermis. Fruit acids promote renewal, cell regeneration and exfoliation of dead particles. The skin becomes smoother and brighter. Lecithin and natural oils nourish, restore elasticity, smooth the relief. Natural lifting components reduce swelling, eliminate age-related ptosis, soften deep folds. Constant care procedures help the skin not to age, maintain its tone and pleasant appearance.
To make masks more effective, they are combined with peels, daily moisturizing and permanent sun protection.
The effect of the mask is noticeable immediately after washing off the composition. However, it does not last long, the face retains a fresh look for 12-24 hours, and in some cases even less. But the masks have a cumulative effect, after several procedures the skin condition improves significantly.

The composition is distributed over the face with a brush made of synthetic fibers.
Homemade masks and body wraps are capable of:
- smooth fine wrinkles;
- normalize water-lipid metabolism;
- restore lost skin tone;
- tighten the oval of the face, restore clarity to the features;
- remove swelling and swelling;
- improve complexion;
- make the skin supple and elastic.
When choosing procedures, contraindications must also be taken into account. Some components can provoke irritation, it is better to conduct a test before the procedure. A small amount of the mixture is applied to the inside of the wrist. If itching and rash is not observed, the mask can be safely applied to the face.
For masks, choose products that can always be found in the refrigerator or kitchen cabinet. Some components can be purchased at a pharmacy or cosmetic store, they are inexpensive, but highly effective.
For home treatments to get rid of wrinkles, most often use:
- refined vegetable oils (almond, olive, soybean, peach, grape seed, sunflower);
- essential oils;
- puree and juices from vegetables, berries and fruits;
- cosmetic clay;
- seaweed;
- honey, propolis and other bee products;
- milk, kefir, yogurt;
- egg white and yolk;
- bread yeast;
- decoctions of herbs;
- oatmeal.
Rules for the procedure
First you need to remove makeup and wash your face with a foam or soft gel. For deeper cleansing, you can use an exfoliant: ready-made peeling with fruit acids or a scrub based on sugar, salt, coffee grounds. This treatment will make the skin more receptive, the nutritional components of the mask will penetrate deeper and act more effectively. Hair should be hidden under a cap or elastic bandage.
The mask is prepared immediately before application. With prolonged storage, it becomes less useful. Components should be at room temperature, some products are recommended to be heated in a water bath before mixing.
To achieve the optimal effect, recipes are recommended to be alternated.
The mixture is spread over the skin with fingertips, a cotton swab or a special flat brush made of synthetic fibers. The mask should not be applied to the area around the eyes and lips. On problem areas (forehead, cheekbones), you can put another layer of the mixture. So that the semi-liquid mass does not slip off the skin, after applying the mask, it is recommended to lie down and relax. The eyes are closed with cotton pads soaked in a cool chamomile decoction or strong black tea.
The procedure lasts 10-20 minutes. Then the remnants of the mask are removed with wet wipes or cotton swabs, the face is thoroughly rinsed first with warm and then cold water. In conclusion, it is useful to wipe the face with ice prepared from a decoction of herbs: chamomile, mint, sage.

Fruit masks rich in natural acids will help get rid of wrinkles.
Masks from the first age-related changes
Compounds based on cosmetic clay have an excellent tightening effect: white, green or blue. They reduce enlarged pores, making the skin smoother and denser, tighten the oval of the face, making the features clearer. A quarter cup of milk is heated and mixed with 2 tbsp. l kaolin. If the skin is oily, mineral water is used instead of milk. The mixture is thoroughly ground so that no lumps remain in it. The mask is distributed over the face and neck and kept for 15-20 minutes, after which it is washed off with warm water.
Overdried skin with fine wrinkles will be saved by warm oil wraps. A quarter cup of refined vegetable oil is heated in a water bath. At the same time, strong tea is brewed in a separate container, filtered and cooled. A gauze napkin is dipped into warm oil, squeezed lightly and applied to the face. An oil compress is applied to the face for 5 minutes, then removed, the skin is wiped with strong tea and the compress is applied again. After 5 minutes, the skin is rubbed again with tea decoction. It is not necessary to wash after such a procedure.
A simple and effective recipe for skin rejuvenation: fresh aloe juice mask. It quickly refreshes the skin, restores it after sunbathing, removes fine wrinkles and creases, reduces swelling. A large leaf is crushed in a blender, the juice is squeezed through cheesecloth. A cotton cloth with holes for the eyes and mouth is dipped in juice and applied to the face for 10 minutes. After the procedure, it is useful to wipe the face with ice.
An egg-honey mask can cope with overdried skin. The yolk is rubbed with 3 drops of sweet orange oil, 1 tsp. almond oil and the same amount of liquid honey. The mixture is thoroughly beaten and add 1 tbsp. l. crushed oatmeal. The egg mixture is applied not only to the face, but also to the neck and décolleté. After 15 minutes, the residue is removed with a damp cotton swab.
Fresh fruit masks are very useful. A ripe banana or peach is mashed to a puree state, combined with 1 tsp. vegetable oil and the same amount of orange juice. The mixture is applied for 15 minutes. The mask refreshes the face, smoothes fine wrinkles and reduces pores.

For the mask to work, after application, you need to take a horizontal position and relax.
How to get rid of deep wrinkles: proven recipes
An algae mask is suitable for smoothing noticeable wrinkles and creases. Dry kelp powder (3 tbsp. ) Pour 5 tbsp. l. boiling water and leave to swell. After 10 minutes, 1 tsp is added to the algae. liquid honey and 3 drops of an oil solution of vitamins A and E. The mixture is well mixed and distributed over the skin of the face and neck, after 25 minutes the residue is washed off with warm water.
Mixtures based on egg white have a good tightening effect. They tighten the skin, reduce pores, make the face oval clearer. The protein is whipped, combined with 1 s. l. lemon or orange juice and applied to the skin. The mask is best used as an express remedy, with frequent use it can dry out the face.
Yeast masks are useful for sluggish, toned, wrinkled skin. A small piece of fresh yeast is poured with warm milk to the state of a liquid slurry. The mixture is distributed over the face and neck with a brush. After 20 minutes, the mask is washed off with warm water.