It is easy and simple to prepare a face serum with your own hands, without chemical components, using strictly natural ingredients. Serum can be 100% cream-like, lighter in texture, easier to apply, and absorbs faster.

If using one serum is not possible, you can apply it under the cream in the morning and evening, while doubling the effect. Preparing the serum is simple, first try all the components on the skin separately to rule out allergies. Then select the necessary components to prepare the remedy. Prescription face serum acts in the deepest and hardest to reach places in the skin, saturating them with vitamins.
Serum for facial skin: what you need to stock up and how to cook
In the pharmacy you can buy everything you need:
- several, or one essential oil that suits your skin and corresponds to the problem that you want to solve with a serum;
- aloe juice - in a vial or ampoules;
- propolis tincture.
Decide in advance on the container in which the components will be mixed. Serum for facial skin is prepared every day new, it can not be stored for a long time.
To prepare the serum, you need to mix aloe juice and propolis tincture in equal doses, so that it is enough for one application. Next, add your favorite essential oil to this mixture and the serum is ready.
Apply to the skin as follows: wet the swab and apply to the skin with light movements. You can dip your fingers into the serum and apply to the skin with patting movements. If you stay true to your cream, then you can cover your face with it after 10 minutes, so that the serum is absorbed. If there is a slight oily sheen from the oil, use a paper towel to remove excess oil from the skin.
Determining the effect of oils
For oily skin types, you can use the following essential oils:
- lemon,
- rosemary,
- ginger,
- geranium,
- juniper,
- mint,
- Melissa.
They can have a tonic effect. Lavender, chamomile, ylang ylang may also be helpful. These types of oils soothe the inner layers of the skin, can relieve tension and irritation. Lemon and lavender smooth the skin wonderfully.
These essential oils will help cleanse clogged pores and remove blackheads:
- lemon,
- fennel,
- bergamot,
- mandarin,
- thyme,
- mint,
- Pine,
- eucalyptus,
- chamomile,
- marjoram
A remedy for acne can be:
- Carnation,
- incense,
- lavender,
- chamomile,
- juniper,
- Pine,
- cedar,
- geranium,
- bergamot.
These essential oils promote healing of cracks, relieve inflammation on the skin, activate cell regeneration. Serum for facial skin can contain 2-3 types of essential oils to solve all skin problems as much as possible.
Varieties of essential oils, their action
- Apricot Kernel Oilused for any type of skin. It has a moisturizing and regenerating effect. Can soften and restore skin elasticity. Helps prevent enlarged pores, normalizes the sebaceous glands.
- avocado oilsuitable for dry and aging skin, nourishes and restores lipid balance on the skin. It also improves the appearance of nails and hair.
- Grape seed oilsuitable for oily and combination skin types. Perfectly tightens enlarged pores, restores skin firmness and elasticity.
- Jojoba oilideal for any skin type, perfectly penetrates into the deep layers of the epidermis and normalizes the sebaceous glands. Also suitable for the preparation of hair masks - stimulates growth and adds shine.
- Wheat germ oilIdeal for skin prone to rosacea. Removes puffiness and itching, peeling and restores skin elasticity.
- Calendula oilable to soften and restore any skin, even protects against sunburn. Great for making masks for oily hair.
- Almond oilable to saturate the skin with vitamins, moisturize and return the work of the sebaceous glands to normal, remove oily sheen.
- Peach oilable to smooth wrinkles and tighten flabby skin, gives a rejuvenating effect, tones.
- St. John's wort oilcleanses the skin of any impurities, prevents acne, rejuvenates the skin.
- pistachio oilused to prepare serum or mask for any skin type. The composition includes unsaturated fatty acids, amino acids. This essential oil is an antioxidant that can protect the skin from environmental damage.