"My years are my wealth, " a well-known song sings. Surely many women would be happy to erase the traces of this "wealth" from their faces. Let wisdom remain in the eyes and manifest in speech and deeds. Outwardly, everyone would like to look 10-15 years younger.
It is impossible to turn back time, and it is useless. It is possible to prolong external youth thanks to the achievements of modern cosmetology. The sooner the girls begin to think about it, the longer the result will last. Among the variety of techniques, we will focus on those that are united by the term "non-surgical facelift".
Features of aging facial skin
None of us can escape aging. Although this is a natural process, the realization of this fact does not make it pleasant. It seems that quite recently we admired a bright blush and delicate, soft, elastic skin in front of the mirror. And now she is dull, pale and wrinkled.
Girls begin to notice age-related changes from the age of 25 (if the heredity is not very good, then even earlier). Why is this happening?
Cells are updated more slowly, so the stratum corneum of the skin becomes thicker.
The collagen and elastin fibers that support the framework of our skin change. They become thin, rough, stretch, perform their function much worse than before.
Gaps form in the protective hydrolipidic layer. Because of this, the natural moisture in the skin is retained worse.
Substances (collagen, hyaluronic acid, lipids), which are essential for the skin, are produced more slowly, but are quickly spent.
The protective functions of the skin become weaker. In this regard, it is more difficult for her to deal with the aggressive influence of the external environment.

Internal violations accumulate, eventually go outside and become obvious. They are expressed by the following features:
dullness of the skin;
loss of smoothness and elasticity;
the appearance of the first wrinkles (there are more and more of them every day, they are getting deeper);
the formation of dark circles and bags under the eyes;
change in the oval of the face;
occurrence of a second chin.
The main causes of aging
Who or what is to be blamed for these changes?
Sun rays. Ultraviolet radiation destroys the protective barrier of the skin, contributes to the appearance of burns, pigmentation and wrinkles.
Negative environmental factors. These include: polluted air, dust, temperature changes, strong winds. They cause damage to cells, contribute to their oxidation, make the skin's immunity weak.
Lack of skin care or improper care. It may be too little, too much, or simply wrong. Dehydration, aggressive cleansing - this, in turn, negatively affects the condition of the skin.
Improper nutrition. Both starvation and excess nutrition with a large amount of fats and carbohydrates have a negative effect on the skin. Healthy food contributes to the prolongation of youth.
Too active or inactive lifestyle. Large loads in the gym are just as harmful as a sedentary lifestyle. You need to find a middle ground.
Lack of sleep.Healthy sleep is the key to freshness and beauty of the skin. Constant lack of sleep causes dark circles under the eyes, dullness and fading of the skin, they become thinner, wrinkles form on them.
Bad habits. Alcohol and smoking are the first thing to be excluded from life for the beauty of the skin.
Screens of tablets, laptops and smartphones. It is believed that the radiation from them is more dangerous than ultraviolet. It destroys collagen, contributes to increased pigmentation and the appearance of wrinkles.
Benefits of a non-surgical facelift
Everyone knows that facial plastic surgery is an intervention in its tissues through surgery. This method is aimed at correcting defects not with conventional injections, but with the use of a scalpel. Not every woman is ready for this. After all, wounds can heal for a long time and painfully after surgery, and the result is not always impressive.

The main advantage of a non-surgical facelift lies in the very principle of the method. This procedure is a therapeutic injury to the inner and outer skin layers. But, unlike surgery, after such a method, the fibers of the main connective tissue (collagen, elastin and molecular chains of hyaluronic acid) are regenerated and continue to perform their functions. These methods also include: creams, masks, gels, massagers.
Availability.Most people can afford a facelift, with the exception of those for whom it is contraindicated (pregnant, lactating, cancer patients, patients with bleeding disorders and those who have untreated infectious diseases).
Security.The minimum likelihood of side effects, compared with plastic surgery. The only concern after the procedure may be swelling of the area where the manipulation was performed, and peeling of the skin during the healing period.
The absence of visible and invisible effects on the face.There are no scars or scars left on the body after complete healing. In addition to the fact that lifting does not leave any marks behind, it has a beneficial effect on blood flow and vascular health. Small wastes are actively excreted from the body.
Fast action.Surgery requires a long rehabilitation. Lifting provides fast results.
Youth for many years.High-quality products have a long-term effect, which will last for many years.
Facelift Injection Methods
With the help of injections, even deep wrinkles can be eliminated. The most popular procedures are: mesotherapy, biorevitalization, plasmolifting, botulinum toxin injections.

Skin aging occurs due to the fact that collagen and hyaluronic acid are produced in smaller quantities. This problem comes with age. On the face, it manifests itself as follows: a change in skin color, loss of elasticity, plasticity and the appearance of wrinkles. These troubles can be overcome by injections.
They successfully cope with such aesthetic skin defects as:
the appearance of mimic wrinkles;
change in the oval of the face due to loss of elasticity;
color change;
dryness and peeling;
excess oiliness, which brings acne, blackheads, etc.
Contraindications for injections:
chronic diseases in the acute stage;
exacerbation of herpes;
the presence of keloid scars;
feverish state;
poor blood clotting;
insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus;
individual sensitivity to the components of the drug.
During pregnancy and lactation, such procedures are not recommended.
Techniques that are associated with injections are carried out through a puncture of the skin with the introduction of the drug into the tissues. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure proper preparation for them.
You need to follow the recommendations:
stop drinking alcohol and smoking 2-3 days before the procedure;
do not take medicines that cause dilation of blood vessels.
Actions of the beautician before the procedure:
Cleansing the skin from make-up.
Treatment of the face with an antiseptic solution.
Anesthesia of the desired areas by applying an anesthetic-based gel.
For the best result, there are precise instructions on what to do after the procedure.
Within 2 weeks after the injection is prohibited:
apply decorative cosmetics, as well as masks and creams that have not been approved by a specialist;
bathe in a sauna or bath;
go to the solarium and sunbathe in the sun;
drink alcohol.
At the puncture site within 1-3 days there may be bruises, seals, pain when touched and pressed, slight swelling.
Any symptoms should be reported to the beautician.

Thanks to fillers, it is possible to carry out a non-surgical facelift, correct its oval, get rid of deep wrinkles and creases, add volume to the cheekbones and nose.
The preparations have a gel texture. The effect is comparable to plastic surgery. The most important plus is that they do not affect facial expressions.
The main components of fillers:
purified silicone (harmful with a large number of side effects, banned in Europe and the USA);
collagen of animal origin or human purified;
hyaluronic acid.
Recently, the technology of injecting the patient's own fat as a filler has appeared, but it is very complicated. Fat is taken in sufficient quantities during liposuction. Then the material is processed in several stages and distributed under the skin of the face. It's expensive, but worth it. Such a drug does not cause side effects, and the result is enough for six months or longer.
The effect of fillers lasts 6-12 months. It is recommended to apply to women 35-50 years old.
Botulinum toxin
Preparations with this component do an excellent job with wrinkles. They act on the nerve endings of the muscles, block them, and the tissues relax. As a result, the skin of the face is smoothed. The result of this procedure lasts 6-12 months. Then you need to repeat the session.
The effect will be visible over time, within 2 weeks after the injection of botulinum toxin.
During the procedure it is prohibited:
bend down for several hours after the injection;
touch the puncture sites on the skin;
take antibiotics and drink alcohol for 2 weeks.
The first day you need to observe the activity of facial expressions.
Such injections are recommended for women over 30 years of age.
This is the introduction into the deep layers of the skin of preparations based on hyaluronic acid. Additionally, peptides, plant extracts, etc. can be added to the injection (at the discretion of the specialist).
Biorevitalization helps restore the skin, replenish vitamins, deeply moisturize and stimulate the production of collagen and elastin by body tissues.
This procedure consists of a course of injections. It includes 3 procedures, a break between them is 2-3 weeks.
The effect depends on the age and individual characteristics of the organism. One session is enough for someone, but for someone it takes some time for the cells to wake up and continue to function.
The more age-related changes a woman has, the more pronounced the result will be. A few days after the procedure, the cells will begin to produce collagen, and wrinkles will begin to smooth out. After a few weeks, skin imperfections will completely disappear.
There will be no such thing that you wake up the next day and the wrinkles disappear. This process takes at least a week. However, after the first session, you will see a refreshed and younger face.
Biorevitalization contributes to:
getting rid of puffiness;
reduction of dark circles under the eyes;
smoothing wrinkles;
lightening pigmentation;
return of a healthy complexion;
skin smoothing.
Injections act gradually over 3-4 weeks, the effect lasts up to 6 months.
Then it is enough to carry out the procedure every 2-3 months. It is necessary to monitor the frequency of repetitions not only by the time interval, but also by the condition of the skin. Biorevitalization is prescribed by a specialist for girls from 25 years old.

This is another type of injectable skin care. It happens as follows: meso-cocktails, consisting of a set of vitamins, are injected into the deep layers of the skin with a syringe with a thin needle. They nourish, moisturize and tone the skin, allow you to get rid of signs of fatigue, restore elasticity and normal production of sebum.
Mesotherapy session can be done at home. For the procedure, you will need a mesoscooter, an antiseptic, an anesthetic gel and a meso-cocktail. This can be bought at a pharmacy.
This procedure takes 4-6 sessions with breaks for 2-3 weeks. It can be carried out from a young age, from 20 years.
During this procedure, platelet-rich plasma is injected. The active ingredient is taken from the patient's own blood. Therefore, it is native to the body, and there is almost no risk of rejection. There are almost never side effects.
During plasmolifting, shallow (up to 3 mm) punctures are made in certain areas of the face, through which the resulting drug is injected under the skin. Thanks to this, the elasticity of the skin is noticeably increased, fine wrinkles are smoothed out, and the complexion is restored.
This procedure takes place in several stages:
The patient prepares himself at home.
Blood is taken, then it is prepared in a special centrifuge (at this moment plasma is released, which is then enriched with platelet mass).
The resulting substance is injected into the areas of the skin where the problem is found.
The most important stage of plasmolifting is preparatory, it should not be missed. The final result depends on how high-quality the preparation will be.
A few days before the procedure, you need to adjust your diet. Exclude fatty, fried, salty, spicy. Do not drink alcohol. Substances that are part of alcohol adversely affect the quality of blood, changing its composition.
You need to drink the required amount of fluid, consume at least 2 liters per day. It is important that it is clean drinking water.
Skin care doesn't change. But it is better not to do aggressive cleansing, masks, deep peeling a few days before the plasmolifting.
This method of rejuvenation is carried out only in the clinic. Since a well-executed procedure requires special equipment and qualified specialists.
To begin with, the patient's venous blood is taken (this is similar to the usual blood test from a vein). After it is placed in a centrifuge, plasma is released in it.
Then the skin of the face is treated with an antiseptic to prevent the risk of infection. This technique is minimally invasive, but the skin and soft tissues are still slightly damaged. However, this is enough for bacteria to enter the body.
Then comes the injection stage. The number and location of injections may vary. The procedure is painful and lasts about half an hour. At the end, the patient needs to rest a little, then he can go home.
For the greatest efficiency of plasmolifting, the following recommendations should be observed:
Take blood on an empty stomach.
On the eve of the procedure, you can not overeat. It is better to have dinner with foods that are easily digested, you can eat nothing at all.
After the procedure, the patient needs several days to recover (usually 3-5 days). At this time, you should protect the skin as much as possible from exposure to UV radiation, as well as extreme temperatures.
For several days during rehabilitation, do not use decorative cosmetics.
Repeat sessions every 2 weeks (5-6 procedures will be needed in total).
Hardware facelift
To restore youth to the skin, it is not necessary to pierce a course of injections. A non-surgical facelift can be achieved with the help of special devices. These procedures do not cause any pain at all, and the skin recovers quickly after them.

Hardware cosmetology is aimed at rejuvenation and recovery. Manipulations are carried out with the help of special equipment. The advantages of this method:
high efficiency;
action not only on the surface layers of the skin, but also on deep structures, subcutaneous tissue;
during the procedure, there is almost no pain or very little;
positive changes appear almost immediately;
versatility - allows you to solve many problems with the skin of the face and body;
no need for long-term rehabilitation (compared to surgical interventions).
The main disadvantages are side effects (more often they do not cause severe discomfort: peeling, swelling, redness), as well as the need for a short period to recover or follow certain recommendations. In addition, there is a high probability of getting not to a professional, but to an inexperienced or even unskilled specialist. The procedure in this case can lead to complications.
Lifting techniques are effective for:
decrease in tone, dullness, withering of the skin;
the formation of small wrinkles;
uneven skin texture;
strongly pronounced wrinkles or mimic folds, vertical furrows;
bruising or bags under the eyes;
second chin;
enlarged pores, acne, post-acne;
the presence of scars, scars, stretch marks;
freckles or age-related hyperpigmentation.
The main task of hardware lifting is skin regeneration. It makes it fresher and firmer. Already after 25 years, it is possible to carry out procedures as a preventive measure that will maintain the normal condition of the skin.
Despite its effectiveness, the intensive impact of hardware techniques has contraindications: pregnancy, breastfeeding, serious neurological or mental disorders, the presence of chronic pathologies, the presence of foreign bodies in the body, blood diseases, autoimmune diseases, infectious and oncological processes.
Currently, there are many types of hardware cosmetic procedures and their options. Consider the most effective and safe, according to cosmetologists.
RF lifting
The most popular procedure. It is carried out as follows: powerful impulses of radio waves, which are emitted by a special device, act on the skin structures. As a result, the metabolic process is activated, fat cells are destroyed, fibroblasts (cells responsible for collagen production) are stimulated.
The apparatus is designed in such a way that it is possible to regulate the intensity of radio emission. Due to this, the method can be applied to different areas of the face, décolleté, neck, chest. Basically, to achieve the desired result, 5-8 sessions are needed, the frequency for each patient is different, depending on the characteristics of the organism.
An important advantage of fractional RF lifting is the complete absence of a recovery period, minor side effects (dry skin). The main disadvantage is that it is not suitable for patients after 45 years.
Microcurrent hardware facelift

During this procedure, the device acts on problem areas with weak current pulses of low frequency. This stimulates the natural potential of old or weakened cells of the superficial and deep layers of the skin, promotes their regeneration, while affecting the facial vessels and muscle structures. The session takes 20-30 minutes. During the procedure, the specialist smoothly moves a special applicator along the massage lines, in the direction from the center of the face to its periphery.
The main advantage is a quick facelift. But for rejuvenation, one session is not always enough. After the first procedures, the effect will last 2 days. A long-term result can be achieved with a physiotherapy course, it consists of 7-10 sessions.
This method is based on the effect of low temperatures on the skin, resulting in a natural reaction of the skin. The vessels narrow sharply, and then expand, thanks to which the blood begins to actively circulate, saturate with oxygen, metabolic processes are accelerated.
Cryotherapy not only helps to improve skin tone and elasticity, remove wrinkles on the face, neck and décolleté, but also in the fight against:
excessive oily skin;
acne, post-acne;
age spots;
In many salons, the procedure is carried out using a cryo-sprayer, which cools the skin to -180 ° C. But the most modern and effective is the use of cryoelectrophoresis (subcutaneous injection of frozen preparations under the influence of a pulsating current). For best results, 9-12 sessions are needed.
This method is carried out with a mild effect, it does not injure the skin, after it there are no traces of any intervention. Photorejuvenation is the treatment of problem areas with a special applicator that emits powerful light flashes. They penetrate deep enough (up to 3 cm), contribute to the gentle heating of deep structures and activate the production of collagen and elastin.
As a result of the course, the following changes occur:
the tone of the face is evened out;
pores are narrowed;
contours are tightened;
deep wrinkles, folds disappear or decrease;
manifestations of rosacea become less.
Negative aspects of photorejuvenation:
lack of a quick result (the first changes begin after 1. 5 months);
low efficiency after 55 years;
high price;
seasonality (it is better not to carry out this procedure in the summer).
Laser rejuvenation
This procedure is based on the simultaneous impact on the deep and superficial layers of the skin. Defects that are on the surface are corrected by a laser beam. It penetrates deep and stimulates internal self-healing, as well as the synthesis of useful components. The result is a natural renewal and rejuvenation of the skin surface.
LPG massage
An effective technique to combat the first signs of aging, superficial wrinkles. This procedure is effective due to the simultaneous operation of special rollers and vacuum. What helps to influence the subcutaneous fat, stimulate the production of collagen. Another plus of LPG massage is that it does not require a recovery period, and there are almost never any side effects. The full course is 10-15 sessions.
ELOS rejuvenation
During this procedure, a complex of optical and laser energies is used. A session of such rejuvenation is heating the subcutaneous layers to a high temperature. This stimulates the synthesis of fibers, which perform the function of supporting the health and youthfulness of the skin. ELOS-rejuvenation helps in the fight against pigmentation, rosacea, evens out the skin relief, corrects wrinkles of various severity.
Ultrasonic lifting
This is the effect of a wave-like acoustic impulse on superficial and deep subcutaneous structures under constant ultrasound control on a monitor. During the procedure, the integrity of the skin is not damaged, the recovery period and special treatment of the skin is not needed. This technique is a non-surgical facelift, perfectly copes with sagging, drooping eyelids, double chin, jowls, deep wrinkles, furrows. The only negative is that it is necessary to anesthetize the area before starting the session.
SMAS lifting (ultrasound)
This is a non-invasive (performed without surgery or injections) single non-surgical facelift.
SMAS (from the English Superficial Musculo-Aponeurotic System) is a muscular-aponeurotic layer of facial tissues, which consists of muscles, collagen and elastin fibers.
With this procedure, ultrasound affects the deep layers of the skin, and not the surface, as happens with other cosmetic procedures. The ultrasonic wave penetrates to a depth of about 4. 5 mm. As a result, the synthesis of new collagen and elastin fibers is activated, and skin restoration processes begin.
Another additional effect is lipolytic action, or ultrasonic cavitation (destruction of fat cells). In other words, SMAS lifting helps to remove unnecessary fat, which is located in the chin area and facial contours.

Which of the methods is the most effective for non-surgical lifting of the oval of the face and neck? To answer this question, you need to determine your personal wishes and preferences. To choose the most appropriate technique, you need to know for sure what result you would like to see. Before making a decision, you should consult with a beautician, he will help you choose what you need.