Sooner or later, every woman notices the appearance of wrinkles, age spots, dilated blood vessels on her face, which mercilessly hint at her age. But not everyone will be indifferent to this.
Those women who are financially able are in a hurry to seek help from a plastic surgeon.
But, is it worth taking such drastic measures?
Is it possible to rejuvenate the face without surgery after 50-60 years?
Let's try to get answers to the burning questions from the article.
Achievements of modern cosmetology allow you to effectively cope with age-related skin changes and turn back the clock.
Below we list modern methods of facial skin rejuvenation offered by cosmetic clinics and beauty salons, and also see what opportunities are available for those who cannot afford salon procedures.
Injection facial rejuvenation without surgery
This is the most popular method of rejuvenation, which is carried out by introducing biological preparations into the skin:
- hyaluronic acid, which is a preservative in the skin;
- botulinum toxin- a substance that blocks the mimic muscles of the face.
The injection technique does not require special preparation of the patient, does not require the use of general anesthesia, and is practically painless.
This is a technique that is currently quite widely demanded. Most often, those who easily tolerate injections resort to it.
The essence of the procedure is that the introduction of medicinal substances into the skin is carried out using subcutaneous or intradermal injections.

The doctor selects medicines that can solve a particular problem. In this case, the presence of contraindications must be taken into account.
If so, choose an alternative method.
Usually the following active substances are used:
- hyaluronic acid;
- organic acids (glycolic or pyruvic);
- vitamins (C, PP, B1, B6, biotin);
- collagen and elastin in the form of extracts;
- connective tissue cells (fibroblasts).
With the help of mesotherapy, you can get rid of the effect of sagging skin, the second chin.
Preparations are selected by the doctor individually, taking into account the characteristics of the skin.
This technique is similar to mesotherapy.
In fact, these are the same injections, but only hyaluronic acid is injected.
By the strength of the impact, this procedure is superior to mesotherapy, so even one session may well be enough.
With biorevitalization, the doctor cuts off the entire face, and with mesotherapy, only problem areas.
Now it has become possible to carry out procedures without injections. In this regard, the procedure has become very popular even among those who are terrified of injections or had contraindications.
A procedure in which platelet-derived plasma is injected under the skin.
As a result, the body starts the mechanism of skin rejuvenation, which helps to increase its elasticity, smooth wrinkles, and lighten age spots.
- Due to its naturalness, the procedure does not cause such side effects as an allergic reaction, rejection, infection.
- The advantage of the technique is the absence of the need to search for a donor.
Two to four procedures are enough to get the effect. The result will last from one to two years.
Ozone therapy
It is a modern technology based on the use of an oxygen-ozone mixture.
As a result of ozone intake:
- metabolic processes are stimulated;
- microcirculation is normalized;
- subcutaneous tissue cells are renewed;
- the upper keratinized layer of cells is exfoliated;
- evens out skin tone;
- complexion improves;
- shallow wrinkles are smoothed;
- the skin becomes elastic.
3D mesothreads
This is a unique method of tightening the skin with threads.

For weakened skin tissues, a framework is constructed using hypoallergenic 3D mesothreads. Flexible needles are inserted into the thickness of the skin, where after a few months a connective tissue is formed that prevents the formation of wrinkles and sagging skin.
The effect of this procedure is noticeable immediately.
The advantage of the method is that there are no traces of intervention on the skin.
Contour plastic
The method allows you to model facial features by filling problem areas with filler gels.
Thus, you can hide the presence of "crow's feet", nasolabial folds, correct the shape of the lips.

This technology forces to regularly introduce fillers under the skin to maintain the result.
Hardware cosmetology
Laser skin resurfacing
In the process of skin resurfacing, a layer of cells that form wrinkles and age spots is removed with a laser. In addition, the laser beam massages the deep layers of the skin, which contributes to the active synthesis of collagen and elastin fibers.
The result of the procedure is:
- restoration of metabolic processes in the skin;
- improvement of blood circulation;
- renewal of skin cells;
- improvement of elasticity and firmness.
The result of the procedure depends on the laser unit used.
So the erbium laser is less effective than the carbon dioxide laser, which provides a deeper effect.
This technique is painless.
Fractional rejuvenation
Fractional laser rejuvenation is considered the most advanced and effective technology.
The laser beam breaks up into many beams and affects the treated area not with a solid spot, but with a mesh, which, penetrating deep into the skin, triggers the synthesis of collagen fibers and tissue repair.
The surface layer of the skin is renewed, the deep layers remain intact, but take an active part in the rejuvenation process.
As a result of the impact:
- pigmented areas are lightened;
- the structure of the skin improves;
- the skin takes on a fresh look.
This method is convenient because a large area can be treated in one session and the procedure is painless.
The technique is based on the effect of a light wave on the deep layers of the skin.
As a result of the heating of collagen fibers, they contract and form a framework, which provides a lifting effect.
In the shortest possible time, a positive result is visible.
During the course, skin rejuvenation occurs, which is expressed in:
- smoothing wrinkles;
- lightening age spots;
- regeneration of damaged cells;
- disappearance of the capillary network;
- elimination of acne and post-acne;
- enhancing the synthesis of elastin and collagen in the skin.
RF lifting
Radio wave lifting - radio wave effect on the deep layers of the skin.
This is one of the latest skin rejuvenation methods used in cosmetology, the result of which is impressive.
But, due to insufficiently accumulated experience, the possible consequences, risks, complications are unknown.
Elos rejuvenation
ELOS technology is based on the effect of RF current and light pulses simultaneously.
The pulses are able to penetrate the skin to a sufficient depth and stimulate the renewal of the collagen layer.
LPG massage
The method of conducting was born in France.
The procedure is completely painless and gives an excellent relaxing effect.
The result of this effect is a rejuvenating effect, which is manifested by the presence of skin elasticity, active collagen synthesis and the elimination of wrinkles. The result of such exposure can last for a year.
The latest methods of modern cosmetology are impressive.
However, many of them are not available.
For example, for some women, procedures may be contraindicated or financially unaffordable.
Do not despair, as there are many alternative methods of facial rejuvenation without surgery that can be applied independently at home.
Among them are the use of cosmetic skin care products, and rejuvenation with folk remedies.
Consider the most affordable.

You can buy them or cook them yourself from pharmacy products and products that can be found in any refrigerator.
The action of masks depends on the composition and is aimed at cleansing, moisturizing, nourishing the skin, so that the skin will always remain healthy and well-groomed.
Among the useful products, the most important ones should be noted: eggs, honey, aloe, vitamins, oils, yeast, clay, dairy products, fruits, vegetables.
Each woman, knowing the characteristics of her skin, can choose for herself the necessary ingredients that can solve a particular problem.
Application of creams
Anti-wrinkle cream can be purchased ready-made. Prices for them can be completely different.
Moreover, it is not necessary to take any cream, but it is better to choose a product from a well-known manufacturer.
Despite their high cost, they do help curb the effects of aging.
You can make your own anti-aging cream.
Herbal rejuvenation
This method is quite popular, since many medicinal herbs are able to have a beneficial effect on the skin.
Their decoctions can be used for washing, they can be used to make an excellent lotion or tonic, as well as ice cubes.
From herbs you can choose: chamomile, calendula, sage, parsley, plantain, nettle, etc.
Vitamins for facial beauty
Without them, fighting the signs of aging is pointless.
It is they who are able to fight back the appearance of the first wrinkles. For example:
- Vitamin E- promotes skin rejuvenation;
- Vitamin A– regulates the production of sebum and leads a merciless fight against acne;
- B vitamins- take an active part in metabolic processes;
- Vitamin CHelps strengthen blood vessels and activates collagen synthesis.
Massage and gymnastics
These are the main components among the available means of combating skin aging.
- Massage helps to relax facial muscles and relieve tension.
- Gymnastics for different groups of facial muscles allows you to delay the appearance of signs of old age.