Wrinkles and other skin disorders arise as a result of the influence of many factors, including psychological ones - stress, anxiety, depression.
The environmental problem is also important - the dirty atmosphere of megacities, climate change, sudden changes in air humidity and temperature.
Often the skin ages prematurely due to incorrectly selected or low-quality decorative cosmetics or too active facial expressions.
Herbal extracts are very widely used in cosmetics. And they are even more useful in their pure form.
Herbs provide the best care for the beauty, youth and health of the skin, and we will be happy to use them.
Herbs for the face against wrinkles - benefits
There are a large number of herbs that help restore skin turgor and make them younger. But to get the desired rejuvenating effect, we recommend using the following medicinal plants:
- Aloe - moisturizes and rejuvenates the skin
- Calendula - moisturizes, disinfects, soothes and smoothes wrinkles
- Nettle - helps speed up metabolic processes in tissues and restores skin elasticity
- Lavender - refreshes, soothes and restores skin color
- Coltsfoot - smoothes, moisturizes and makes the skin velvety to the touch
- Parsley - smoothes wrinkles, moisturizes, nourishes and whitens the skin, making them young and fit
- Mint - refreshes and tones aging skin
- Dandelion - helps get rid of pigmentation
- Rosemary - has smoothing properties, tightens and rejuvenates skin well
- Chamomile - restores skin, stops its withering, prevents the formation of wrinkles
- Rowan - cleanses the skin, smoothes wrinkles and acts as a light antioxidant
- Thyme - effectively moisturizes dry skin, thereby preventing the formation of wrinkles
- Sage - used as a natural lifting remedy
- Horsetail - removes sagging skin, helps with oily and problematic facial skin
Anti-wrinkle mask recipes
You can remove wrinkles using face masks made from medicinal herbs. Use herbs both fresh and dried.
Anti-wrinkle mask under the eyes
A herbal mask made from dried plantain, mint and chamomile flowers will help remove wrinkles under the eyes. Chop and mix the herbs, taken 1 tablespoon at a time, pour a glass of boiling water over them and cook over low heat for 10-15 minutes. Then strain the water, add 1 teaspoon of potato starch to the herbal pulp and mix well. Before applying the mask to your face, first lubricate it with a nourishing cream. Leave on for 20 minutes, then rinse with room temperature water.
Mask for fading and aging skin
A mask made from sage leaves, St. John's wort, chamomile and linden helps to remove wrinkles from fading and aging skin. Measure dry ingredients in equal proportions - one teaspoon at a time. Grind them thoroughly into flour using a coffee grinder. Pour boiling water over it. Then add a tablespoon of sour cream and a teaspoon of vegetable oil. Apply the mask and rinse off with water at room temperature after 20 minutes.
Mint, plantain, chamomile
A mask made from dried herbs of mint, plantain, and chamomile flowers helps perfectly. They must be mixed in equal parts, crushed, and boiled for ten minutes over low heat. Then strain it all and add potato starch to the water. Before applying this mask to your face, you need to lubricate it with a nourishing cream. Leave the mask on for twenty minutes.
Calendula mask
You can remove wrinkles on your face using calendula officinalis: pour 1 tablespoon of this herb into 1 glass of boiling water and let it brew for 30 minutes. Soak a gauze pad in the resulting infusion and apply to your face. When the napkin begins to dry, remove it and wash with warm water.
Another folk recipe for a nourishing and smoothing mask for aging skin
Finely chop and mix a teaspoon of medicinal chamomile flowers, a tablespoon of fresh birch leaves, a teaspoon of pine needles. Pour boiled water over the crushed mass to form a paste. Add one yolk and a tablespoon of cottage cheese. Mash all ingredients and apply to facial skin for 25 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.
Folk recipe for herbal lotion against wrinkles
Pour 1 tablespoon of dried chamomile flowers into 1 glass of dry white wine and let it brew for 2 weeks. Wipe aging skin with this lotion in the morning and evening, after wiping, apply nourishing cream to your face.
Herbs have long been considered an effective folk remedy against wrinkles. It is only important to use these recipes not occasionally, but constantly or in repeated courses, and then simple but very effective recipes will help you smooth out age-related changes and deep wrinkles will not appear for a very long time.
Modern cosmetology offers a huge number of care products designed to make us beautiful. Well, if you are a fan of care using natural remedies, find out which herbs are useful for dry, oily, problem skin of the face and body, with the help of which medicinal plants you can save yourself from irritation and allergies, as well as rejuvenate your facial skin. But first, general recommendations on the use of medicinal plants in care.
Rules and methods for using beneficial herbs for facial skin care in cosmetology
Remember that medicinal plants will not replace proper care for your skin, so use them in your care as an additional product. With their correct and constant use, you will certainly achieve the desired result.
Before using herbs, make sure that you are not allergic to a particular plant. To do this, first try their effect on a small area of skin, and if everything is fine, you can safely use it for self-care.
Where can you buy the necessary raw materials? Of course, this can be done at the pharmacy. Well, if you have the opportunity to collect the necessary herbs with your own hands during the season (this should be done in environmentally friendly places, far from highways and industrial zones), then this will be an even better option.
After purchasing an herb, carefully read the instructions for its preparation and use, since some plants need to be brewed and use their infusion, while others need to be boiled and their decoction used. Before cooking, grind the raw materials: this way it will brew faster and better, giving the maximum beneficial substances to your skin.
Use fresh herbs immediately or you can stock up on them for future use by drying them well and then using them in dried form.
Plants can be used in care in several ways:
- use ice cubes from herbal decoctions (this way you can quickly get rid of them at home);
- wash with their decoction or infusion;
- add decoctions to masks and creams;
- in the form of steam baths for the face (do this before starting the procedure);
- for the body - take baths with decoctions and infusions;
- in the form of compresses.
Remember that compresses must be warm. To do this, soak a napkin or towel in a warm broth and apply it to your face for a while.
The frequency of use of herbal compresses and masks depends on the type of skin: if it is problematic or oily, then this can be done twice a week, and if you have a dry type, use them once every seven to ten days.
Herbs for oily, combination and problem skin

There are many plants in nature that have long been used in folk medicine to care for oily or combination skin prone to various types of problems such as acne, comedones and inflammation. Here are some of them:
- : it has long been used in cosmetology due to its anti-inflammatory properties; it successfully fights acne and acne;
- aloe: perfectly disinfects, tightens pores and prevents the appearance of rashes;
- calendula: an excellent remedy for fighting inflammation and rashes;
- parsley: whitens the face and reduces oiliness;
- plantain: dries out rashes and prevents their appearance;
- linden: has good cleansing properties, reduces oily shine.
Herbs for youthful facial skin
If you have aging skin, you need to use products in your care that prevent the appearance of wrinkles, increase skin turgor and eliminate age-related changes in the form of age spots and other manifestations. Herbs have the following properties:
- dandelion: effective in the fight against age spots;
- sage: has tightening properties, makes wrinkles less noticeable;
- chamomile: slows down aging, fights fading.
Well, now you know which herbs are beneficial for the skin of the face and body, depending on its type. I hope these tips will help you maintain your beauty and well-groomed appearance.
What are the most beneficial herbs for the face? A brief but comprehensive review of medicinal plants will allow you to choose exactly the one that will quickly and effectively cope with the problem that has arisen. Indications for their home use, rules of use and the most effective recipes can be found here.
Medicinal herbs are a large group of plants, parts of which are used as raw materials for preventive and therapeutic purposes in medicine and cosmetology. You can make them out of themwonderful masks for facial skin that can solve a variety of problems - from smoothing out wrinkles to eliminating the most inflamed acne. You just need to know how to properly use herbs for the face and what specific properties each of them has. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to know how to properly collect, store and dry medicinal plants, because pharmacies sell preparations that are ready for use.
Review of herbs for facial skin
There are a great variety of medicinal herbs for the face, and it is very difficult to understand them. In order not to get lost in this diversity, it is enough to determine which problem you most want to get rid of. It could be acne or wrinkles or a double chin, dry or oily skin. To eliminate the misfortune that is interfering with your life, you need to select the herbs themselves.
- Aloe- against acne and for.
- Butterbur- control of the sebaceous glands.
- Immortelle- against various types of inflammation on the face.
- Birch- for oily skin types.
- Oak- eliminates greasy shine from the face.
- Oregano- for moisturizing.
- St. John's wort- has anti-inflammatory properties, useful against acne and acne.
- Calendula- invaluable for inflammatory processes, rashes, soothes irritated skin, moisturizes.
- Nettle- one of the best care products for oily skin with cleansing properties.
- Lavender- has a calming effect on irritated, tired skin.
- Linden- against greasy shine on the skin.
- Burdock(root) - useful for oily skin.
- Coltsfoot- makes the skin smooth and silky, eliminates rashes.
- Mint- used against oiliness and abundance of sebaceous secretions.
- Parsley- has whitening properties.
- Plantain- treats oily skin and acne.
- Dandelion- against age spots.
- Rosemary- smoothes wrinkles and has a rejuvenating effect. The best anti-inflammatory and restorative agent: stops the aging process, prevents the early appearance of wrinkles, heals any acne and pimples.
- Rowan- has a highly effective cleansing effect: eliminates blackheads.
- Thyme- necessary for moisturizing dry skin.
- Series- used to treat allergies and various rashes on the face.
- Sage- has a lifting effect, makes the skin radiant and youthful.
- Horsetail- Recommended for oily skin care.
All these beneficial herbs for facial skin are just the tip of the iceberg in a huge sea. In fact, there are much more of them (in medicine there are more than 2, 000 names of medicinal plants), but for home cosmetology these 20 will be enough.
If you have a box in your house with a miraculous collection of one of these herbs, be sure to take advantage of this fact to put your skin in order, with which some problems constantly arise.
If they have grown so much that they are already interfering with life, select a specific medicinal plant for them: there are certain indications for this.
Masks with which you can make at home will help to prolong the youth of your facial skin, look fresh and well-groomed.
How to make and use homemade facial scrubs:
Indications for the use of medicinal plants
Very often the question arises, which facial herbs to use for a particular problem. In order to facilitate the search for the right raw materials, there are special indications in herbal medicine for home treatment of the skin with herbs. Use them to purposefully, and not accidentally, stock up on the herb you need.
- Herbs, immortelle, St. John's wort, calendula, lavender, coltsfoot, plantain, chamomile, string.
- Herbs for oily skin: aloe, butterbur, birch, oak, nettle, linden, burdock root, mint, plantain, horsetail.
- Herbs for dry skin: oregano, calendula, thyme.
- Anti-wrinkle herbs: coltsfoot, rosemary, chamomile, sage.
- Herbs with cleansing effect: rowan, nettle.
- Herbs against age spots: dandelion, parsley.
As can be seen from this list of indications, herbs for facial acne are one of the most numerous groups, and this is not surprising. Medicinal plants contain sufficient amounts of organic acids, phytoncides and tannins, which have anti-inflammatory properties. They disinfect the affected skin, soothe irritation and localize, and then eliminate areas of inflammation. Therefore, for those with problem skin, herbs are recommended for mandatory use. In adolescence, in the absence of allergies, medicinal preparations can also be used to treat juvenile acne. The maximum benefit from herbs can be achieved if everything is done correctly.
Rules for using herbs
In order for herbs for the skin to fulfill the task assigned to them, you must be able to correctly prepare a medicinal decoction (infusion) from them and correctly use it at home. There is no need to think that medicinal plants are absolutely safe and cannot cause harm. Those who are familiar with the basics of herbal medicine know that they sometimes cause the most terrible allergic reactions even when used externally. Therefore, first you need to familiarize yourself with the basics of home cosmetology using herbs, and then put this whole thing into practice.
- The simplest solution to any skin problem is to buy a herb that corresponds to the indications (in the form of a dry collection) at the nearest pharmacy, study the instructions, brew, and use the resulting decoction for its intended purpose. Healing herbal infusions and decoctions for the skin can be added to any face mask.
- The most effective solution is to collect medicinal raw materials yourself in a forest, field, summer cottage - in any place that is at a sufficient distance from the city, plants and factories, industrial zones, and major highways.
- Check the grass to see if it contains allergens for your skin.
- If the herbs were collected independently, they can be used immediately, fresh: it will even be healthier, because they will still be full of various substances. You can stock up on them for future use to enjoy their cosmetic effect on long winter evenings. Collected medicinal plants should be dried in ventilated, dry rooms where direct rays of the sun do not penetrate. At the same time, you need to constantly stir them so that they do not get stale and moldy. This will take two weeks - no less.
- One rule regarding the use of herbs for cosmetic purposes must be strictly followed. Fresh raw materials should be used immediately, within 1–2 days. The shelf life of dry herbs (if kept in boxes or paper bags) is no more than 2 years.
- A very important point is how to properly prepare herbal decoctions for the face (or infusions). First, you need to chop the plant: chop the fresh grass with a knife, and just grind the dry grass in your hands. Then pour the resulting powder (1-2 tablespoons) with boiling water (a glass) just removed from the heat. It is best to do all this in glass or ceramic containers. If you then close the potion with a lid and leave it for half an hour, the result will be a fragrant herbal infusion that is very beneficial for the skin. If you put it in a water bath for 20–30 minutes, you will end up with an equally healing decoction. All that remains is to strain both products and add them to homemade cosmetic masks.
- But most facial products still use crushed leaves or flowers of plants.
- In general, any face mask made from natural products that you are used to making at home can be made with herbs. To do this, it is enough to replace the liquid in their composition (water, juice, milk) with decoctions and infusions from medicinal plants in the same quantities as indicated in the recipes.
- Herbal face masks are recommended for problem skin - every other day, for oily skin - twice a week, for dry skin - once every 7 days. If decoctions of herbs for the skin are used as a regular prophylactic agent (against the premature appearance of wrinkles, to prevent the formation of acne, etc. ), then such masks will be sufficient to do once every 10 days, since they are very powerful and effective in their effectson the epidermis.
- Skin can be treated not only with herbal masks. Another way to use medicinal plants for this purpose is daily washing. The same prepared infusion or decoction is poured into a basin with filtered warm water (1 glass of raw material per 500 ml of water): it is enough to wash your face with the resulting solution twice a day.
- If you don’t have time to do such procedures, you can wipe your face several times a day with a cotton pad soaked in the prepared herbal decoction.
There are many ways to use herbs that are good for your skin. The main thing is to be able to select the right medicinal plant to solve your problem and use it correctly. In folk medicine and home cosmetology you can find many recipes for all kinds of herbal masks and tonics. The goal of each of them is to prolong the youth and beauty of facial skin.
Recipes for herbal face masks
Despite the variety and abundance of different recipes, you cannot get too carried away with herbs. You can start with a course of treatment with masks, then change the plant and start rubbing with cubes, after that - use a tonic every day, but again from a different herb. Everything should be in moderation.
Dandelion against age spots
Grind dandelion leaves (3 tablespoons), add cold filtered (or boiled or mineral) water (2 teaspoons), melted honey until liquid (2 tablespoons).
Wormwood against rashes
Prepare a decoction of wormwood, dilute with it (2 tablespoons) not yet cooled, thick oatmeal, cooked in fresh, full-fat milk (take the same amount as the decoction of wormwood), add chopped lemon zest (2 tsp).
Aloe for acne
Keep the aloe leaves in the refrigerator for 1–2 weeks, squeeze the juice out of them (tablespoon), mix it with natural oatmeal crushed into flour (2 tablespoons).
Chamomile for dry skin
Grind chamomile flowers (2 tablespoons), mix with fresh, natural, preferably full-fat kefir (in the same quantity), add a raw egg.
Yarrow to improve complexion
Grind fresh yarrow flowers and sorrel leaves (1 tablespoon each), add to them rolled oats flakes crushed into flour (1 tablespoon), raw yolk (you can use a whole egg).
Herbs for the face: beneficial properties of medicinal plants for the skin
Many people tend to solve their skin problems, such as eczema, acne or psoriasis, with the help of various cosmetics and forget how important it is to keep the body healthy from the inside.
Herbal teas can get to the root of the problem. They will help remove toxins, which will certainly have a beneficial effect on the condition of your skin. Biologically active plant components will support liver function, help detoxify blood and lymph and will be a pleasant addition to your diet.
Burdock root (Arctium lappa) is a well-known healer in the scientific world, having a positive effect on the liver, kidneys, gallbladder and lymphatic system, cleansing every cell of the body.
The first sign of an "overload" of the body with toxins is a deterioration in the appearance of the skin. Our body tries to remove toxins through sweat, thereby poisoning the epidermis. Naturopath Charol Tilgner recommends drinking burdock root tea to combat acne, psoriasis, eczema and boils.
With marigolds
Marigold or calendula is another excellent base for herbal tea that benefits your skin. The plant has wound-healing properties, has a positive effect on the lymphatic system and promotes digestion.
Stagnation in the digestive tract is a common phenomenon, leading to liver overload and skin rashes caused by slagging in the body.
According to The Herbal Pocket Guide, calendula tea is rich in carotenoids and other antioxidants, which explain the drink's anti-inflammatory properties.
With nettles
Herbalist Susan Weed considers stinging nettle a valuable herb for the hair, face and scalp. Nettle leaves have an anti-inflammatory effect on the digestive tract and are rich in vitamins and minerals, including vitamin K, selenium, zinc, chromium and boron. Regular consumption of nettle tea cleanses the blood, and subsequently the skin.
Only fresh nettle stings. Dried leaves intended for brewing herbal tea will definitely not "bite" you, but will give your skin radiance, smoothness and a flawless appearance.
Benefits of herbs for skin
Herbs have a unique effect on the skin.They have anti-inflammatory, wound-healing, nourishing and tonic properties.Plants are a real storehouse of nutrients. Their chemical composition contains all the components necessary for skin care, such as:
Drawing conclusions
If you are reading these lines, we can conclude that you are still looking for a method to rejuvenate your face and get rid of wrinkles, the sight of which in the mirror makes you feel uneasy.
We conducted an investigation, studied a bunch of materials and, most importantly, tested most of the methods and remedies against wrinkles, ranging from traditional methods to procedures that doctors can offer. The verdict is:
If all the remedies gave, it was only a minor temporary result. As soon as the procedures were stopped, after a few days everything returned.
There are some contraindications for the use of herbs as an anti-aging agent. These are malignant tumors and individual intolerance. If there are wounds and recent scars on the skin, herbs can be used only after consultation with a specialist.
Herbs for facial wrinkles have a positive effect if products based on them are used regularly over a long period of time. It is also recommended to periodically alternate products and types of cosmetic procedures.