CO2 laser is a powerful anti-aging laser device. Its beam, acting on the intimate area, triggers the processes of tissue repair.
The rejuvenation procedure gives several positive effects at once:
- Improving nutrition and blood circulation - the laser stimulates blood circulation, enhances metabolic processes, tissues receive more nutrients and oxygen. A woman feels aroused more sharply and receives more positive emotions from intimacy.
- Increase in protein synthesis - procedures increase the production of collagen - a protein that forms a tissue frame. Therefore, the intimate area after them not only looks young, but acquires "young" properties.
- Lifting - the laser acts on proteins in the tissues of the genitals. The laser beam compresses the protein molecules, causing the tissue to tighten and tighten.
- Fight against bedwetting - the laser tightens the groin tissue to combat stress urinary incontinence caused by weakening of muscles and ligaments.
- Enhancing local immunity and antibacterial effect. The laser beam kills pathogens and strengthens the immune system. Therefore, the procedures improve the condition of women suffering from sluggish chronic inflammation caused by dysbiosis and recurrent thrush.
Rejuvenation with CO-2 laser is performed by a gynecologist on an examination chair. A special nozzle is inserted into the woman's genital tract, which emits laser beams. By rotating it 360 degrees, the doctor irradiates the vaginal mucosa. Then the external genitals and perineum are treated with the same device.
Intimate rejuvenation with CO-2 laser
The laser intimate rejuvenation procedure takes less than 10 minutes, does not require anesthesia and is not accompanied by a recovery period. After completing it, you can immediately leave the clinic. The number of sessions is individual for each patient and is selected by the doctor depending on the state of her intimate health. Usually 3-4 sessions are carried out with an interval of 30-45 days.
After three sessions, itching, burning, dryness in the intimate area disappear, pain during intercourse and urinary incontinence disappear, and the secretion of genital lubricant increases. Arousal increases with intimacy, and the contact itself is accompanied by brighter sensations.
Table: pros and cons of different types of laser rejuvenation
Procedure name | Pros of the procedure | Cons of the procedure |
Laser biorevitalization | Rehabilitation period: during skin restoration, you just cannot actively sunbathe, stay in a bath or steam room for a long time and use cosmetics for two days. The skin after the procedure looks attractive and well-groomed. | To achieve a visible rejuvenation effect, it is necessary to undergo more than one course of procedures (2 or 3 courses of 3–6 procedures per year), and this is already a significant amount. |
Non-ablative laser rejuvenation |
To remove deep defects, it is necessary to conduct several courses. |
Ablative laser rejuvenation |
Fractional laser rejuvenation | ||
Neodymium laser rejuvenation |
Even a course of procedures will not save you from deep wrinkles or other defects. |
2D, 3D, 4D and 5D laser rejuvenation | These types of rejuvenation can be applied even to sensitive mucous membranes. The absence of visible manifestations of laser treatment (redness, peeling) can also please those who wish to carry out laser rejuvenation. | For a visible effect, a course is required, and sometimes more than one. Small defects do not go away even after 2-3 procedures. |
Carbon dioxide laser rejuvenation | The laser is able to penetrate to the greatest depth, which means it can help in the fight against very deep defects. |
Laser resurfacing |
The laser method of rejuvenation is a good alternative to injection cosmetology and plastic surgery. Although you need to understand that the effect will depend not only on the qualifications of the master or the number of sessions, but also on the individual characteristics of the patient, his behavior during rehabilitation. Therefore, first of all, reconsider your diet, drink more fluids and play sports - this will not only improve your well-being, but also increase the effect of the laser rejuvenation procedure.
How is hardware laser peeling performed?
The action of laser peeling is based on the following principles:
- Fractional photothermolysis - laser beam photons with high thermal energy destroy old or damaged skin fractions;
- Selective photothermolysis is the destruction of skin pigments by laser photons.
The laser beam has a destructive effect only on the surface layer of the skin, while it experiences only a short-term, and therefore absolutely safe, temperature effect on the deeper layer.
When used together with special cosmetics, a rejuvenating effect is achieved. In particular, a specialized cosmetic line was developed for this laser device. It includes nanoliposomes consisting of 55 standardized plant extracts and having a structure of alternating aqueous and lipid layers.
The use of this cosmetics eliminates the aggressive effect of the laser beam on the surface layers of the skin.

Laser rejuvenation myths and reality
Should I resort to a similar procedure? There are many rumors around laser rejuvenation. We have collected the most common ones here and refuted them.
- The lasers are the same. There are many different laser systems, not only therapeutic, but also surgical. They differ in wavelength, have different effects on tissues. Each laser is unique, because it solves certain problems in cosmetology. To make the right choice of a laser therapy method, you need to understand the processes in biological tissues under the influence of a laser. Therefore, it is necessary to contact qualified specialists.
- For older clients only. It is possible to remove the effects of acne for young people with the help of laser therapy. The face will become smooth, the scars will heal. At a more mature age, laser peeling restores elasticity to the skin and fights against imperfections: wrinkle networks, age spots. Laser therapy procedures are prescribed not based on the patient's age, but according to the indications and the desired result.
- Laser treatments are harmful to the skin. Compared to chemical peels, with laser rejuvenation, the depth of exposure is calculated to the smallest size - microns. In the delicate area around the eyes, the parameters of the procedure will differ from other places. The selection of individual parameters for each patient will make the procedure as efficient and safe as possible.

In which zones is it applied
Laser lifting makes it possible to cope with the first signs of aging. The procedure is applied in areas such as:
- Eyebrows, when they are lowered, overhanging the eyes;
- Sagging skin on the upper eyelids;
- Nasolabial folds;
- Cheeks. Thickening of the middle part of the face;
- Oval of the face, if its contour becomes indistinct.
The rejuvenation procedure also helps to influence not only the face, but also different parts of the body. The laser rejuvenation procedure makes it possible to eliminate the laxity of the chin, neck and décolleté, helps to tighten the skin in the area, as well as the inner surface of the arms, front and back of the thighs.
Side effects and unpleasant consequences
Ideally, laser resurfacing should not have any side effects. But sometimes it happens. In the vast majority of cases, this is due to the unprofessionalism of the beautician performing the procedure. If the master set the wrong operating mode of the device or did not take into account the peculiarities of the skin, then the consequences of his mistake for the rest of his life can remain on the client's face (or in any other places that have been treated with a laser).

The most common complication of laser resurfacing is a characteristic mesh on the skin, which normally should go away after a few days, but often remains
Major temporary and permanent side effects:
- Swelling, redness. They arise in response to trauma to the epidermis and disappear as it recovers. Sometimes a red skin tone can be observed for several months. This phenomenon is called erythema. It is associated with the expansion of the capillaries.
- Itching and flaking. They are observed as healing progresses due to the fact that the upper layer of the skin peels off, on which microburns formed during the procedure.
- Pigmentation disorders. Quite a rare phenomenon associated with an individual reaction of the body to a laser beam. Hyperpigmentation, characterized by the appearance of spots, and hypopigmentation associated with the death of melanocytes and, as a result, discoloration of the skin, are distinguished. In the second case, the consequences may be lasting.
- Burns and subsequent scarring of tissues. The most dangerous complication. If it occurs, marks on the skin may remain forever. Whether it will be possible to remove them and which method is suitable for this depends on the depth and nature of the damage.
- Infection. It is associated with non-compliance with antiseptic rules and the ingress of microbes on damaged skin. In some cases, laser resurfacing provokes the awakening of its own infection, which was previously in a "dormant" state in the deep layers of the dermis.
- Mesh on the skin. The most common cause of complaints from people who have undergone laser resurfacing. If the skin has already healed, but the mesh remains, then it will take a long time to get rid of it. In some cases, it takes more than one year and a number of special cosmetic procedures. Their cost is considerable, so it is better to request funds for rehabilitation from the clinic in which the damage was caused. Perhaps this will have to be done through the courts.
Indications for the laser rejuvenation procedure
Laser facial rejuvenation is a safe fractional technology that is a powerful stimulant to activate internal processes.
Procedures are carried out for the following indications:
- Dull complexion, hyperpigmentation.
- The presence of age-related changes, deep wrinkles in the periocular zone, nasolabial wrinkles.
- Dark circles and bags under the eyes.
- Tendency to demodicosis, dilated vessels.
- Negative changes in the texture of the epidermis.
- Pronounced relief, presence of scars on the skin, scars.
- Loss of clarity of lines, swollen oval of the face.
- A tendency to acne breakouts, traces of acne and post-acne, enlarged pores.
Cosmetologists recommend carrying out laser therapy in order to prevent aging processes, deep renewal and restoration of the skin structure.
The effectiveness of the technique

After complete healing of tissues, wrinkles are smoothed, the skin becomes denser and more elastic. It is possible to restore an even tone, activate the synthesis of collagen, elastin, remove scars and scars.
How many sessions need to be done is determined by the specialist depending on the skin problems and the selected type of laser. On average, 3 to 7 sessions are required, which are carried out in the autumn-winter period, spring and summer are a contraindication for grinding.
The result depends on the depth of exposure and lasts for 3-4 years. Experts do not recommend deep resurfacing more than 2-3 times throughout life due to the painful and traumatic nature of the technique.
- whitening of integuments;
- prevention and correction of age-related changes;
- strengthening of blood vessels;
- pronounced lifting;
- restoration of a smooth structure;
- normalization of metabolic processes.
What not to expect from the procedure
You should not expect a pronounced lifting from the procedure, the effect of a facelift, especially at a more mature age - after 40-45. For the rejuvenation of more mature skin, modern cosmetology offers other types of hardware exposure.
You may have heard of methods such as thermolifting or 3D rejuvenation. Thermolifting is carried out on a special apparatus, but with a different attachment, and this is a deeper effect on the skin and a more serious procedure.
And 3D rejuvenation is a combination of 3 different techniques for influencing at once the three main indicators of skin quality - color, texture and tone.

Types of laser lifting
The facial resurfacing procedure is characterized by the effect of laser radiation on biological tissues. Substances-chromophores selectively absorb light, for each area it is different: green light is suitable for hemoglobin, red light for melanin, infrared spectrum for water. Light energy is converted into heat energy in the area with the chromophore.

For this reason, different types of non-surgical laser lifting are used:
- Non-ablative (photothermolysis);
- Fractional.
The main action of both methods is aimed at stimulating the processes of collagen and elastin synthesis. These proteins help the epidermis to stay firm. In young skin, they are produced without additional stimulation, but by the age of 30-35 in many women, they begin to be produced in smaller quantities, which leads to the first signs of wilting of the skin.
Both types of tightening work intensely and deeply enough. The carbon laser slows down and stops the aging process.
Preparation for fractional facial rejuvenation and procedure
A week before the first laser session, you need to stop using cosmetics with retinoids - derivatives of vitamin A. These substances increase the photosensitivity of the skin and can cause age spots.
Before the procedure, a specialist treats the skin with products that cleanse the skin of the face and improve the penetration of the laser beam. The eyes are protected with special glasses. The laser is aimed at an area where there are skin problems - uneven texture, increased pigmentation, wrinkles and other imperfections.
After that, a rejuvenation session is performed, the duration of which is 20-50 minutes. The doctor makes sure that all the necessary areas are carefully treated. Laser exposure is not accompanied by pain and discomfort. Only warmth and a slight tingling sensation are felt, which do not create discomfort. After completing the procedure, you can immediately leave the clinic.
Benefits of neodymium laser operation

Neodymium laser is widely used in cosmetology due to its versatility.
Pros of using a neodymium laser in cosmetology:
- removal of unwanted hair
- reduction of the appearance of age spots, regardless of origin
- for inflammatory processes on the skin and in the post-acne period
- removal of a tattoo or correction of permanent makeup
- skin rejuvenation
- the ability to carry out procedures regardless of the color type of skin or hair
- it is possible to carry out procedures even in the summer period (while other laser devices during the manipulation in the summer can lead to the formation of burns, since the depth of their rays is insignificant)
- safety, painlessness and speed of manipulation (the procedure for exposure to a neodymium laser is carried out quickly)
- does not require special care after exposure to the skin and complications such as burns on the skin rarely occur
The essence of the laser rejuvenation procedure
Laser rejuvenation is a collective term, since for a positive lasting effect, you can be offered various types of peelings, massages and much more. The procedure is based on the principle of high-precision action of a laser beam on problem areas of the skin. The cosmetologist, focusing on individual indicators, selects the desired temperature (it can vary from 42 ° C to 150 ° C) and the depth of exposure to the laser beam (from 0. 5 to 3 mm) for effective facial skin rejuvenation. The laser burns old skin cells, in place of which, thanks to natural regeneration, new ones are formed. The treated areas heal in about 5-7 days.
When will laser rejuvenation help?
Laser facial rejuvenation is a procedure that suits everyone, but the effect is especially noticeable for those over thirty. It is at this age that clearly visible signs of aging appear:
- fading complexion;
- fine wrinkles;
- looseness and flabbiness of the skin;
- expansion of pores.
Indications for the procedure can be considered:
- dilated vascular networks;
- deep nasolabial folds;
- mimic wrinkles;
- enlarged pores;
- dark spots;
- pimples and blackheads;
- various kinds of skin irregularities (scars, scars).
When you can't do laser facial rejuvenation
The procedure is strictly prohibited for persons suffering from:
- inflammatory processes on the face;
- herpes;
- psoriasis;
- dermatosis;
- diabetes mellitus 1 degree.
You can not undergo the procedure and those who have cancer or problems with blood clotting, pregnant and lactating women. And although laser rejuvenation does not affect the child in any way, the skin becomes more sensitive at these delicate moments, therefore, pigmentation of the treated areas or excessively long healing of the treated surface is possible.
Those wishing to undergo the procedure are not recommended to do peeling 2 weeks before laser rejuvenation. Otherwise, the skin will be too sensitive to the laser beam, which can have negative consequences (for example, longer rehabilitation).
Distinctive features of the procedure
The principal distinguishing features of the laser procedure from other techniques is the absence of thermal effects on the skin. As a result, the epidermis is not damaged. In addition, laser technology is able to provide complete isolation of areas with microdamage from contact with negative environmental factors. The top layer of the skin remains intact. This advantage makes it possible to eliminate the risk of scarring, so the procedure can be used the required number of times and not cause any harm.
Differences between laser rejuvenation and traditional methods aimed at giving the skin youth:
- No need for anesthesia;
- No scars remain;
- Changes in the pigmentation of the epidermis do not occur;
- There are practically no restrictions before and after the procedure;
- Fast rehabilitation;
- The use of technology in any areas of the skin, aimed at correcting skin defects, giving youth.
Laser rejuvenation is becoming a popular technology that makes it possible to have a well-groomed appearance, elastic and toned body.
After the procedure, you must follow the recommendations.
- Elimination of injury to laser-treated skin surfaces;
- It is forbidden to wash your face during the day after the procedure;
- Makeup should not be applied;
- 4 hours after the procedure, you need to apply a special cream and balm to avoid dryness, peeling and tightness of the skin;
- Treat the areas where the procedure was carried out with a moisturizing solution;
- Avoid exposure to sunlight, do not visit the solarium for 2 weeks.
After laser rejuvenation, the areas of the skin that have been affected must be treated carefully so as not to harm the skin.
Before starting the course, the beautician should warn that with the following contraindications, the tightening course cannot be done:
- Any exacerbated diseases;
- Infections;
- Neoplasms, oncology;
- The tendency of the cover to form keloid scars;
- With diabetes mellitus;
- Blood clotting disorders;
- At the age of over 55, such rejuvenation is ineffective.
The procedure is not considered traumatic, but appropriate skin care during the rehabilitation period is necessary. It will help you recover faster. Let's consider what procedures should be carried out after laser face resurfacing.
Rehabilitation period
Immediately after the procedure, patients are worried about pain and severe tissue edema. It will be easier if you regularly, every 3-4 hours, apply a compress with ice to the treated area of skin (ice cubes wrapped in a napkin or towel or a frozen bottle of water). You can go outside / to work the next day, but it will be better to wait 2-3 days at home, making compresses and lubricating the skin with cooling cream. No physical activity, sunbathing or even a hot shower. Rest, warm shower, cream and compresses - at least for 2 days.
Then the skin will heal - first dry crusts form, then they begin to peel off and fall off. You do not need to touch, let alone tear them off. Alcohol-containing cosmetics (lotions, tonics) for the recovery period should be discarded. Decorative cosmetics are allowed 2-3 days after the procedure.
What happens after fractional facial rejuvenation
After the procedure, you may experience slight redness and swelling of the face, but the skin will not be very red and flaky. After a couple of days, it all goes away.
To achieve the full result, it is recommended to do 3-5 sessions with an interval of 2-6 weeks. Then the results of laser rejuvenation will not be inferior to the effect obtained after mechanical resurfacing and other cosmetic methods.
The effect is not immediately visible and depends on the existing problems. Pigmented spots lighten in one or two sessions, scars and wrinkles can be removed in 3-5 visits to the clinic. After the end of the course of procedures, the skin condition will improve for another six to eight weeks.
During the first week after the procedure, a gentle cleanser, moisturizer should be applied to the skin twice a day. This will help prevent flaking and irritation of the skin. Washing with ice water gives a good effect. It is useful to take ascorbic acid - vitamin C.
After exposure to the laser, you need to protect the skin from UV rays, so a moisturizing sunscreen should be applied for a month. You cannot sunbathe and use the solarium.
It is forbidden to apply drugs on the face that are not recommended by a cosmetologist. This can lead to the appearance of age spots, irritation, peeling, and the development of infection.